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Cart #clausquest-4 | 2020-12-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first attempt at a game, using Adv. Micro Platformer by @mhughson and The Lich King by @dollarone as a template. This game came about as a gift to a friend (Claus, obviously) for his birthday. Consider it a WIP, as there is no way to actually win the game.

I would greatly appreciate any help on these matters:

--Set health for different bosses.

--Knockback when taking damage, both for bosses and the player.



(You need to upload and insert a cart into your post - you can do this by editing it.)


@Jusiv Thanks. Rookie mistake.


This is amazing! And the pixel art is beautiful! Very nice work!! :D However, credit for the Advanced Micro Platformer goes to @mhughson. He did an incredible job putting it together.


@MBoffin Oh, that's right! Credit to @mhughson for the Adv. Micro Platformer template! I got it mixed up. Thank you! Glad you liked it.

I loved the game. Specially the artwork, the level design and the atmosphere in general. I got stuck in a pit where I can't find my way back again to the top of the map. Is it a bug in the desing of the map or something?? Thanks for the game!

@ivanB Glad you liked it! The "game" is actually more of a one-off level, where the player can't backtrack or even finish it. This was my first attempt at a game, and I used most of the code from The Lich King and Adv Micro Platformer, so it's not really working. But thank you for playing it anyway! :)

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