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Hey everyone, here's my first Celeste Classic 1 mod: Celeste Flip!

It's based on my Celeste Classic 2 mod Celeste 2 Flip Hard Mode: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=43821

Use X or V to flip gravity! (Z or C to jump and arrow keys to move.)

Cart #celeste_flip-0 | 2021-07-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

All credit for the original game goes to Noel, Maddy, and Lena https://mattmakesgames.itch.io/celeste-classic-2


I'm stuck at 2500M.

there is a time when you are invincible to spikes when flipping


It's really cool and I love the concept of switching gravity but some of the levels are near impossible without modifying them.



The hardest level for me was 2900M, but not too bad. A lot of the levels were essentially how fast you can press the flip button, so if you ever modify the game to make levels that would actually incorporate the flip mechanic that could be pretty cool.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT use your flip when you get to the Summit or you'll fall into a void and put yourself in a softlock and have to reset. First time it happened to me made me real sad.

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