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I know we haven't seen a Celeste 2 mod in a while, but I present to you, Celeste 2 Flip!

(Inspired by VVVVVV by Terry Cavanagh and Gravity Guy)

In this mod for Celeste Classic 2, Lani has discovered the gravity suit, use it to flip your gravity (X/V) and traverse the mountain. Enjoy!


  • Replaced Lani's grappling hook with the ability to flip gravity!
  • Controls: Left and right arrows to move, Z/C to jump, and X/V to flip Lani's gravity!
  • Removed grapple points and carrying functionality.
  • Going too far off of the top of the screen also kills you.

Cart #celeste2_flip-1 | 2021-07-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

HARD MODE: Well, shortly after creating the mod, I received some suggestions from the EXOK Discord for a new version which I have implemented into a new form of the mod,

Celeste 2 Flip - Hard Mode: Gravity Laughs Back!

Hard Mode Changes:

  • Can only flip gravity one time until you lose your flip charge!
  • You can regain your flip charge by touching the ground, bouncing off of an object, collecting a berry, or doing a wall jump. You will need to combine these methods in order to win.
  • These changes to gravity flipping make hard mode considerably more difficult, though not impossible or as close to as difficult as Vingals was... Good luck!

Cart #celeste2_flip_hard-2 | 2021-07-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Feel free to post your best times or feedback in the comments!

All credit for the original game goes to Noel, Maddy, and Lena https://mattmakesgames.itch.io/celeste-classic-2

Haha, gravity...



May I just say, that tagline is great.


i gotta tell you, i haven't had this much fun with a celeste mod since proceleste, mostly because they are usually so bland and unoriginal but this one is great

Thank you very much @prismo18 and @wallgraffiti!




Calverin, you seriously make really interesting and cool mods, plus they're difficult and fun too! You do some really good work, claps to you!

I played hard mode, and the last few jumps were definitely the most difficult to figure out and perform, but I finally managed to do it with this score


Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words @Catastrophic Cal, that's a great time for your first run of hard mode, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it!


Okay, that was a great take on this game. Nice work!


Nice. First mod I've played that didn't require the impossible spike jumps. It was difficult but possible by one such as me. Way to go.


Thank you @SaveSlot2 and @Ummmm_ok :)


Ayup good game bro


The absurdidty of Lani flipping through the air had me laughing multiple times. Great mod.



Thanks @JROMHacks and @Yolwoocle!

@kuliat not really sure what you mean by that? I did say that this mod was inspired by VVVVVV, if that's what you are trying to say




Woah this is actually really cool


AD: 90% of people can't pass level 3! Can you?

Gravity: Am i a joke to you?



Haha @BrightBlackHole that's great


A crazy mod i love it !

00.03.36 x 15 strawberries, x 12 deaths

Great time!

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