This is a mod of MetroCubeVainia, by FlyTrapStudios. You can play that game here:
I'm pretty sure Flytrap Studios ( @FlytrapStudios) made this game back in 2020, @FelixTheGamer.
Then please state so, @FelixTheGamer. That this is a copy of the cart with no different code and some modified graphics.
It is common in Lexaloffle to give credit to the original author in your initial post, preferably with a link to the original cart so others can compare the differences.
It's especially courteous and recommended that you contact the author for permission first before posting a mod. The only exception to this is the CELESTE cart.
I would expect the same ... bro.
( @dw817) Oh! Thank you! I wasn't aware of that at all because I see so many mods of carts everywhere. I only uploaded this because it's a mod I made for my little brother, and I wanted him to be able to play it on my phone. I will add a link to the author and original post. :)
Thank you.
Very good, @FelixTheGamer.
The game mods you may be seeing are mods of Celeste everywhere. I daresay there are over 100 mods of that particular game.
It is, at least I believe so, the oldest and greatest game for Pico-8 of all time. The game is so good it was released for Windows with completely remade graphics and audio.
Superb work if you want to look at it on STEAM.
There are less mods of other games because sometimes the original author cannot be reached - and the people who mod the games want to be perfectly fair and polite - to contact the original author first to ask if it is okay to post a mod of their game.
It's all about courtesy and not leading others and new members into believing the modder wrote the actual game or did the original graphics - as that takes credit away from the hard work of the original cart developer.
I love Celeste! (Both the Pico-8 version and the re-made version) @dw817
I'll keep these things in mind when I post future carts. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Nice mod but you forgot one important thing: Renaming the in-game title! Other stuff would be updating the game's label image and adding yourself to the credits text alongside the original author at the start screen. Nice work!
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