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Cart #bobthunder-4 | 2021-01-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I'm excited to introduce Bob of Thunder, my entry to Toy Box Jam 2!

This is probably my most ambitious cart in terms of process: it borrows heavily from the techniques I used in Astro Clerk in The Documents of Mars last year, but it has a considerably larger map requiring compression, more in terms of scripted events, and took way more planning. I plan to write up some of the more interesting parts later on.

The Story So Far


In the land of Midgard, none is so mighty as THOR!

After a mead-filled night on the town, the Odinson tends to leave a trail of damage and disrepair in his wake.

You are BOB, contractor to the gods, mender of fences, and entry on several speed-dials across the nine realms.

The power's out in Vilahalla, where Thor spent all weekend partying, and your voicemail's filling up with work requests. Time to put on your steel-toed boots and defrost your pickup - it's going to be a long day!


Bob will acquire several items as his workday progresses. He can touch most signs, notes, or villagers to see what they have to say, and you can press Z/Square on switches or hit them with your hammer to activate them.

Z/Square - Throw Ljessnir
X/Cross - Use Secondary Items

The game will autosave as you progress, most often when you cross a screen boundary or enter/exit a room.



A Game by Brian Jackson for Toy Box Jam 2

Inspired by Adept Software's God of Thunder

Art and Music Contributed By:
Tom Hall
Toby Hefflin
Smelly Fishsticks
Alice Stenger

Special thanks to:
<3 Emahlea
Tim Jackson
The Immortal Albatross Crew


Revision 1: Adjusted the difficulty for the last challenge.
Revision 2: Fix the color scheme on one of the NPCs
Revision 3: Fix some missing dialog colors
Revision 4: Adjust layout of rooms in the last challenge.



Nice soundtrack !

Thanks! The music was provided for Toy Box Jam 2 by the extremely talented Gruber!


Excellent! Finale took me quite a few tries but I got it!

is there a walkthrough for this ? i like it but im completely stuck now and cant see any way forward ...

I'll post a walkthrough tomorrow!


This is super fun but I will absolutely never make it through the last bit with my arthritic hands and tiny Macbook arrow keys, LOL.

This game is incredible -- humorous dialog, something new every screen, and the music is boppin!

Wow, thank you so much! That made my day :)

Perfection, but not really because it's extremely hard at some points, but still a great game overall.

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