You are a blob, and you are beneath a tower in an underground cave. One day, the water streambed in your cave dries out, and you find a gallery that leads to the tower. At the top of the tower lies the fabled golden elixir, which is said that one drink of its liquid will grant one wish - to restore your streambed. (Or you could wish for more wishes.)
Monsters and other dangers protect the elixir, and you must get past nine floors to get to it.
Use the arrow keys to move one space. Bump into pots to break them, and sometimes get an item. Bump into chests to open them, and if it is a small chest, you will get a food item or a throwable one. If it is a large chest, you'll get a weapon or armor. Items get better the more you progress through floors.
Press X to open inventory/accept, and press Z to decline/close.
Enemies are scattered through the floors, usually in rooms, or if you're on a high floor, corridors.
If an enemy is nearby and it sees you, if you then take a turn, it moves towards you.
To hit an enemy, step on the same space it is occupying. It will hit you as well if you move next to it on your turn.
I made this template by following @Krystman's Rougelike tutorial, but I added my own touches such as:
- New enemies
- New weapons
- Rest spot on the fifth floor
The Music and SFX are by Sebastian as well.
Keep an eye out for the secret floor, and keep note of the hint on the first floor. You will get an extremely powerful item!
Also, I've ran into a few errors while testing my game, and I fixed most them, but if you find any while playing, please comment and show a screenshot of what happened.
Update 1.1
- Increased width of inventory
- Set player max hp to nine
Update 1.2
- Giant scorpion deals poison damage
- Mantis-man blinds on contact

Threw every unknown healing item at the enemies, ate every cursed/health decreasing item myself.
Still reached the ninth floor after a few attempts, great game :D

Thanks for playing it, guys! @0oskar, sorry about that - In the next version I'll make the width of the inventory larger.

I really, really enjoyed this game, honestly thank you for sharing

hey, great roguelike. i encountered a small bug when i luckily found several "hp increase" items. my hp reaches ten and the health bar shows the number one.

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