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I've noticed an issue linked to the mouse capture, tested on 0.2.6b and 0.2.5g.
When switching between mouse capture (poke(0x5F2D,5)) and no mouse capture (poke(0x5F2D,1)), the mouse can teleport to a seemingly random position, permanently or just during one frame.

I've uploaded a test cart to test the issue.

Repro (in browser) :

  1. launch the cart
  2. press "c" to toggle capture mode
  3. click inside the cart frame, to make sure the mouse is captured
  4. press "c" twice, to capture and un-capture the mouse
  5. notice the mouse teleportation

Repro (in windows editor) :

  1. launch the cart
  2. press "c" repeatedly
  3. notice the mouse teleportation appearing randomly

The mouse/keyboard API is documented as experimental, so I'm wondering, will this kind of bug be fixed in the future, or will it remain as is?

Cart #bedopatozo-0 | 2024-09-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


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