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Cart #bc251-0 | 2022-01-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My first game made in PICO-8. Mostly was made for a Discord server I'm part of and includes a number of inside jokes but figured it was worth sharing.

Use arrow keys for movement and O+X can be used in place of Up/Down. Collect burgers and avoid rocks. Score multiplies the more burgers you can catch in one jump.


Nice! I like the pogo stick mode.

Definitely worth sharing. Pogo stick mode is great fun. Any significance with the number 251 ?



I have determined that the main character is one of two people. 1, it is Wimpy from Popeye, or 2 it is Jughead from Archie comics. Either is a bottomless pit when it comes to hamburgers. :)

Cute free for all, @flyte_less. Needs still to have an increasing difficulty.

Here is a gold star for your recipe.

heavy tf2

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