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Cart #anchors_aweigh-0 | 2024-08-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I want to credit a couple of sources for this game. First is Lazy Devs and Krystman for his fantastic shmup tutorial. The title and boss music came from snabisch on itch.io, who has some incredible PICO-8 tunes available for use.

This plays as a fairly standard shmup. Shoot torpedoes with the O button. Enemies can drop life preservers. If you collect at least 5, you can press the X button to release an anchor that damages enemies. If you collect 10 life preservers and are missing a life, you will receive a 1up. If your lives are full, you get additional points.

There are two different types of bullets that enemies can shoot at you. The standard "bubble" bullets will do 1 hit of damage to your sub. The electricity bullets will temporarily paralyze your ship, but won't do any damage themselves.

You sub also has an oxygen meter that you have to make sure to keep topped up by bringing your submarine above the waterline.

There is some slight flashing during the final boss, so be aware!


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