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Cart #aminals-3 | 2022-12-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A simple little fighting game featuring animals with very different abilities. Supports up to 4 players.
(Sadly does not yet support single player)

The controls:

  • move: p1: arrow keys, p2: wasd
  • o (special move): p1: z, p2: w
  • x (attack): p1: x, 2: q

The players:

  • shru: a speedy little guy
    • o: dash and turn (can quickly get behind your foe to strike)
    • x: bite
  • waps: can buzz through the air
    • o: not a thing
    • x: sting (will poison your enemy -- if they can get you back, they'll be cured, otherwise they're toast)
  • forg: a jumpy little dude with some reach
    • o: jump (hold to jump farther)
    • x: tongue (long range attack -- hold up & down to aim, using the fly as the reticle)
  • sulg: slippy, slimy, and spiky (leaves trails of slime that will make your foes slip & slide)
    • o: nope
    • x: spikes (all over)
  • brid: quite a flappy one, that
    • o: flap
    • x: dive
  • mant: a sneaky feller if there ever was one
    • o: hide (don't move or you'll be seen -- just hold an attack, and wait for your prey to come to you)
    • x: slash (not a quick move, you'll have to hold the button to charge it up, and no moving while you do)
  • trut: what? I like turtles
    • o: retreat (no one can penetrate your shell, but you won't to much good tucked away in there)
    • x: bite (my what a long neck you have)

things I still want two do:

  • two more types of playable characters (shhh)
  • enemy ai
  • different levels

There's probably lots of bugs (like, other than the ones you play as). Hopefully it's still somewhat playable.

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