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Cart #a_square_but_it_can_jump-0 | 2022-09-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"So there is this square and it can jump don't fall"

Move Left: LEFT
Move Right: RIGHT
Jump Midair: UP
Restart: CTRL+R

Land on the colored blocks to bounce and gain points. You can do a small midair jump/dash after a bounce to gain some extra distance. The blocks will shrink over time and get harder to land on. How long can you survive?

Made in 1019 compressed bytes for Pico-1K Jam 2022.
Might update later with SFX and polish after the jam ends.


I really like the look. Restarting the a round in game would be nice 😊

I like the "tutorial". I wish I could restart the game without doing Ctrl R though, but maybe you just ran out of space.

@milchreis @ooooggll yeah I would like to do that, but had to little space left 😅

u have my seal of approval that definitely exists

Welp I did it!
I got 4000

haha I beat you

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