"Legend of the ChunChunTree" is a 2d turret-defense wave survival shooter featuring an rpg-style castbar system, tons of buttons per button, a kinetic-physics system, and the ability to simultaneously control two overloaded weapons(the bullet-hungry 'TriMG' and magical-casting 'Epica'). V1 #FreeToPlay inbrowser on #Pico8 bbs and download(click)/cart/splore.
Practice: <controls_overlay>redDots show fingerRest positions; redPoppies(blackDotWithRedDots) show keys with tap/tap2/hold states; practice waves with f,u,h,i,g,j,y (recommended).
Survival: Keep your hp>0 for 400s. Score 웃---(least dmg taken per run) is saved at end of each successful run (lower is better; post me your best[the score to beat is 웃345.5]).
Sandbox: the waves section of the code has been partitioned and commented to allow easy modification should anyone wish to create a hardmode or alternative experience [copy code into external editor to view with formatting].
Requires keyboard+mouse; Controls are referenced using QWERTY layout; any layout will work provided there is no overlap with pico8 reserved keys(pause/menu/etc); Download+Original GameJam Version: https://cerbyo.itch.io/againsthecurrent-the-legend-of-the-chunchuntree; the download/cart/splore versions of the game feature better audio and performance.
Quickstart Guide (compliment with the ingame ui + practice):
- Firing buttons 's' and 'lb'(leftMouseBtn) each have 3 keystate(tap/tap2/hold) depending on duration of keypress(topLeftBars).
- Casting occurs when the rectangular bar appears above and you flash yellow; lb/rb cannot be used during.
- Shift(used with 'a' and 'd') and spacebar(dodge) each have two keystates(tap/hold).
- The default setting of blue triMG crosshairs means holding shift decreases the turnrate of 'a' & 'd' (sniping).
- Basic brown has 100hp. You can use its own bullets against it to the following effect(key):dmg(hitsToKill)
FriendlyFire():6(17)/BeeShield(w):24(5)/RageShield(r+w):48(3)/Dodged(spacebar):36(3)/BlueSparkles:xxx(1) - Dodging(spacebar) while staminaArc[100,-100] is yellow[49,25] assigns stamina(sta)=-100.
- Foe that get into melee range become lickers: extra melee-damage, gain hp and speed(reverts on condition).
- Orange armour can be burnt off or bypassed(r/tap s); but if your screen is too full their firepower can be managed through conditions/grenade/machinegunSpam.
- Simplify: flameShield(rb)+machineGun(hold s)+dodge(spacebar) is solid build to compliment skillbar(123456qert) [see BuildList:DODGER].
- Health(hp) regen methods:heal(6)[+30hp]/gunflame(3) on '2 lined-up foe'/lvlUp[+30hp]/spacebar aoe[+5hp].
Quickstart Techniques (gif left->right below):
- SelfNading:dodge(space)[violet] or teleport(t)[blue] grenade impacts.
- ChainDodging:double/triple(netshot(2))/quad(tricky!)dodges with optimized timing are good for melee range.
- FlameCero:hold lb + volley(1)/tap lb/netshot(2).
- BurningZombie:tap s till foe dead then hold lb to burn; grenade to reposition.
- BlueVolley:combination of teleport(t)+volley(1)+cancel(~). Teleport(t) short distance from yourself then volley(1) into blueSparkles then just as casting is about to end you cancel(~) and then teleport(t) back to your old location and volley(1) again into the blueSparkles. Strong vs darkBlue.
- BlueTags:shoot tags(tap s) into blueSparkles(t).
- OrangeDrop:vs orange armour use volley(1) at 'pointBlankRange'(i.e. teleport(t)+volley(1)) or netshot(2)+pointblank+cero(tap s)).
- Catching: flameShield(rb) converts 'all' bullets to sta; grenade it; teleport(t) and 'catch' bullets; catching trail-effects(dCannon/cero/volley/netshot/gunflame) regens ALL sta, gunflame(3) doesnt need teleport to catch.
- Panic-mode-skills:BiteTheLip(hold spacebar); godmode(q); smoke(5)+gunflame(3) to clear screen & regen hp.
- Hellmouth(i) Tips:[barriers]teleport behind(not melee-close tho) & use hitbox for bullet-defense; [ovens]create/pos burningZombies on the opening.
Ready for Survival? Spawn two Hellmouth(i) at once, if you can manage you are ready to (b)egin
[121x12] | |
◘Story◘ It is the year 305, an era of war. Wizards and cute cuddly animals have been fighting for years, with territory becoming heavily contested. You are a mobile-fortress-tree-unit, created by the Great Wizard ChunChun. One of many tree units created to defend territory against the furry menace...
Full Manual:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BuildList ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- No 's' or 'lb', just shields+skillbar+etc
- Tags+flame in unison as primary dmg
- Reposition zombies via grenade/cero/tele for defense
- Counter large wave with flameVolley and blueTags
- Use dCannon+rage as primary dmg
- Compliment with grenade spam to knock foes down to patiently wait their turn
- FlameShield(rb) as block to +sta
- Grenade/cero/flame/shoot the flameShield to +sta
- MachineGun as primary dmg to +sta
- Dodge frequently to: create dodgedBullets(violet), clear licking foe +hp, gunflame+dodge to clear+hp
- Machinegun+flame 24/7 [Note:suffers performance issues, use optimizations]
- Rage+alacrity to boost effectiveness against specialty waves
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Optimizations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Remove Trees(m); Remove Background(v); Limit usage of the MachineGun(hold s)+flame(hold lb) at the same time esp during camera-move segments; kill foes fast and intuitively i.e. use grenades vs clumps, dcannon to snipe, gunflame to clear the screen, etc; casting smoke(5) will significantly improve performance when many foe onscreen(esp during camera-move segments).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ6k9J8ebhU [Run: 345.5]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kFJHOE9AMk [twitterPromo]
Desire a more arcadey and roguelite experience with secret unlockable character/buffs/stats/weapon? Consider Teatime!
Gave this a star. Haven't played it yet, but I have to respect the crazy amount of work that initial post represents.😉
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