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Cart #57387 | 2018-10-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a simple physics simulator using the equations I learned in high school.
Press x to begin and end projection mode and the arrow keys to adjust launch speed and angle.

One of the biggest problems I have yet to solve is identifying when the begins object oscillating (due to mathematical loops, 30fps, and approximations) and arresting the motion. Right now I have a simple fix but it is inelegant and isn't flexible.

However enjoy the marvels of gravity! I suggest downloading the code and messing around with gravity and other global variables.

Happy Coding!

Let me know about any bugs or glitches you might find!


Your cart here reminds me of a flash game I played years ago called, "Kick The Critter."

You should be able to find it with Google and see that angle and acceleration are all important to catching the best "breeze."

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