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Cart #56223 | 2018-09-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Survive 120 seconds of genereated instant shmup action!


Good game!!!

Good but I wish the backgrounds were more interesting.

All of the things that are flying at me cannot be shot. What am I shooting at ?

VictorForsgren: "Good game!!!"

Thanks :)

PHG: "Good but I wish the backgrounds were more interesting."

Yeah, they are generated so it's a little hard to control, but I will look into it later on.

dw817: "All of the things that are flying at me cannot be shot. What am I shooting at ?"

Yeah, it's a little abstract. It's suppose to be turrets that pop up and shoot bullets towards the player. I think I have some ideas on how to make it clearer

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