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Cart #52555 | 2018-05-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Very simple and quick cart to play around with The Coin Hexagon puzzle (https://youtu.be/_pP_C7HEy3g)

Move the cursor with arrow keys. Hold z while moving to change up/down slant
Grab and drop coins by pressing x. You can only drop coins where they will have 2 neighbours, and you can't move them through narrow spaces. Try to get from the starting position to an hexagon in 3 moves. Good luck :D


That was fun. I like the moving around animation when moving a coin past another horizontally.

Thank you! Around 90% of the time for making this went into that animation :P

Any feedback on winning??


Internal satisfaction? ;)

Why does moving a coin outside the playing area crash the game/return to the dev console?

Whoops ! Found an error:

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