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Cart #48275 | 2018-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hi guys,

I got this Pico-8 game in a random lot on eBay. I couldn�t find it in any of the classic Pico-8 game guides, so it�s probably a bootleg.

I ripped the ROM (since my old Pico-8 system hasn�t worked in ages), and I figured I�d share it here since one of you guys must know about these obscure cartridges. I can�t tell if it the game is corrupted or if that�s how it�s meant to be.

Enjoy! Multiple endings, surrealist horror, and a bumping soundtrack.

All that aside, great thanks to:

@Synth_dfr for the music corruptor - https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3561
@willwilliams68k for the glitchy static effect -https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=23038
and of course @zeb for all of the wisdom from JELPI
...but somehow I still didn't get the controls feeling as good.


This seems interesting, but...
Is there a way you could make the player decelerate a little faster? As it currently stands I find it frustratingly hard to land successfully on a 1-block wide platform, to the extent that it's a bit discouraging to replay.

The visual and sound effects are great, by the way.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!

I'll keep this in mind as I do some revisions.

it's a shame this strange old cart uses "up" for jump, because it's not really playable on a PICO-8 proper, with the gamepad; I have to use my devkit model with the keyboard attachment. It has an interesting aesthetic though and I think it would benefit from modding in the O button as jump, like Jelpi.

I enjoyed this! Cool surreal atmosphere, short and sweet, and a simple control scheme. Great job! :)

This is clearly new!

please dont kill me random color thingy

EDIT:okay i have nightmares now

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