hello everyone! i'm relatively new to text-based coding, so i got the code for my game out of the pico 8 fanzine! the precise game title is "squashy", and alex mole made it!
arrow keys to move the paddle left and right!
update: got hearts to render! but when you lose a life, all the hearts go away instead of just one...
update: hearts go away, one at a time! turns out putting =- instead of -= makes a huge difference!
if you want, you can play the earlier versions here!

For a moment I was puzzled, then I noticed what happens directly after the heart-drawing...
Great start! I like the monochrome feel. Though sometimes I really wished the paddle would accelerate a little while I was holding down the key.

thanks tyroney! i'm going to see how i can fix the missing hearts thing

Great job, but IMHO if I can give you an advice, I'd advise you to check the collision between the racket and the ball a little bit earlier, when they're touching and not when they've already at the same Y-position.

thanks cesco! though this isn't my own work, i will try to improve upon it
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