With the help from Gamax92, I found and am making use of exact MEMORY locations that are saved with a PICO-8 cartridge.
I wrote a program in BlitzMAX to convert a single 128x128 pixel B&W image to be stored as the last (4th) page of your custom character set.
As long as you don't overwrite it, you are still welcome to store your custom 192-characters in the first 3-slots and maintain the picture. Could be a logo, instructions, whatever you want. :)
You are also welcome to improve the code. If you do, please let me know how you did as I'm always interested in learning new methods of programming.
Made it slower so you can see the screen drawn. In truth, you blink, it's done.
Chose color WHITE to display the image instead of gray.
Just now thinking it's probably better you see the code in the editor than in here.
Click the link above to see how this was done.
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