I'm a bit of a beginner where programming is concerned, but I'm trying to work out how best to create an infinite scrolling background for a side-scrolling shooter game.
I figured that the way to achieve this would be to make a screen full of sprites and move them to the left, deleting them once they are off the screen and replacing them with new sprites on the right. I have managed to achieve this, but I don't think the performance is that great. It doesn't feel very smooth.
Am I doing it the right way? Is there a better way?
Thanks for any help you guys can give!
--tile scrolling function _init() tile_h={} --horizontal tile strip --spawn 16 tiles in strip for i=0,16 do spawn_tile(i*8,0) end end function _update() foreach(tile_h,update_tile) end function _draw() cls() for i=0,16 do foreach(tile_h,draw_tile) end end function update_tile(t) t.x-=1 --move tile to left --if tile off edge of screen if t.x<-8 then del(tile_h,t) --delete tile --add new tile to right spawn_tile(16*8,0) end end function spawn_tile(x,y) local t={} t.x=x t.y=y add(tile_h,t) end function draw_tile(t) --draw 16 tiles vertically for i=0,16 do spr(1,t.x,t.y+i*8) end end |
I made a scroller that used part of the map instead of individual sprite/objects.
I added enough map swatches to fill the initial space I needed plus one full size extra, and then moved them with x/y or whatever. When it's coordinate went off screen, I removed it and added to the other end so it just kept recycling the same 2 over and over without having to increase anything.
Here's the game I made with that technique:
You'll see the trees at the bottom scrolling by...that's a map moving and recycling. Actually, several layers.
Using a map will be much smoother than moving a ton of sprite objects all at once - I found that out the hard way too.
@morningtoast Ahhh I see, so it's the same method as I have used, but more like moving a pair of huge tiles rather than a load of small ones. I shall give that a go, thanks for your advice!
@morningtoast I've implemented your suggestion and it works like a charm! And it of course has the added benefit of allowing detail in the tiling. Thanks a lot!
Sweet, glad that worked out. Nice, smooth tiles. Can't wait to see your shooter...love me some shmups :)
Added parallax
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