Fireworks simulation in less 200 tokens !
Never really had a lot of Lua experience prior to this. So the commonly accepted way to make "objects" in Lua is to just make a function that returns a table of pre-configured values?
Also, is there a particular reason you did
function p_create(x,y,color,speed,direction) p={} p.x=x p.y=y p.color=color p.dx=cos(direction)*speed p.dy=sin(direction)*speed return p end |
Rather than:
function p_create(x,y,color,speed,direction) local p= { x=x, y=y, color=color, dx=cos(direction)*speed, dy=sin(direction)*speed, } return p end |
Like I said, not a Lua expert, but this seems to make more sense, since it saves about 5 tokens, and stops "p" from being a global variable.
even better:
function p_create(x,y,color,speed,direction) return { x=x, y=y, color=color, dx=cos(direction)*speed, dy=sin(direction)*speed } end |
Hi Danjen and Musurca - indeed that's much better. Thank you very much - I did some research I just learned that in Lua, scope of variables is global by default (!)
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