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Cart #20632 | 2016-05-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first PICO-8 game :D

It was written entirely on a PocketCHIP, and was heavily heavily based on a tutorial found in the first issue of the PICO-8 zine.

It's a single-player PONGish game, the arrow keys can be used interchangeably with the action buttons to move the paddle.
After each 50 points the ball starts going faster! Extra lives are earned per each 100 points.

Good Luck!


Can't be used on non chip version "Future version, please update" :(

(I suppose the chip have 0.1.7 and the update for the non chip version is coming really soon)

Looks good! Can't wait to get my PocketCHIP!

Heh, nice lives :)

0.1.7 is coming real soon -- apologies for the future carts that have been kicking around!

Woah! how did you get a pocketchip already?! did they started shipping?!?!?!

No he is either going to an event when the PocketCHIP is showed, or just working for NTC ^^

still so fucking jealous

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