If you got ideas for challenges please share them here. I only came up with those 6 and they are mostly pretty same-y. They don't need to be super hard, I'm not looking to make an impossible game. :P
arrows -> move and aim
z -> shoot
x -> lock aim to current direction
x (tap quickly) -> jump
Changes for 0.4.1
- added challenges
- menu updated
- minor fixes
Pickup the gray boxes for randomly generated weapons. There are no ammo refills.
Weapons' properties can be determined by looking a the gun's barrel(s). See if you can figure it out.
Enemies can be killed by pushing them into the spikes or by shooting them three times.
Old stuff:

It feels like it could be a lot of fun, if only the controls were less awkward. Maybe we can use player one's cursors to move and player two's to shoot, much like a twin stick shooter?

I'm not sure I understand why the gun type seems to randomly change? Each ammo powerup only gives you a couple of shots, and you have to use one of them up to test it. Worse, some of the shots have a huge amount of knockback which is hard to be prepared for.

The idea is that instead of picking up ammo you pick up new weapons.
The weapons properties are reflected by the guns visualization:
long barrel -> high speed
thick barrel -> heavy bullets
multiple barrels -> spread shot
multiple heavy and long barrels -> monstrous recoil.
It's not very intuitive yet, but I'll think about how to pass this information to the player when I know what I want to do with the mechanics.
Thank you for the feedback. :)

procedural guns = tons of fun.
The controls are not intuitive but it's very rewarding when you get used to it. You should leave it this way but start with a very LOW monster spawn rate so the player can get used to it.
You can get rid of this cap as soon as the player kill 2-3 monsters for example, so the experimented player wont be annoyed with the slow start.

That's probably a good idea.
I'm thinking of doing enemy waves since that gives a better sense of progression and is more rewarding than just an endless stream.

This is great! Love the movement momentum.
I'd like to use one button to lock fire direction and the other to fire.
It'd be great if there was infinite bullets and auto fire, but I understand this may not be your intention.

X button actually locks the rotation. I can't use it myself so I don't emphasize it. :D
Autofire is also there, but you are correct in that the point is to not have infinite bullets. I'll consider doing that with another game though.
Thank you for the feedback. :)

First time I played this I didn't know about the X button locking your rotation, it makes things a bit easier but the game is still quite hard.
I like the idea of having waves or some kind of break in between to slow the tide of monsters. Right now the endless swarm of very single-minded monsters makes things really tense and more often than not they spawn faster than I can kill them, since they tend to corner you (and you can't easily fire from in the corners).

The new version is awesome I love it !
Lock rotation is cool and pleasing to use but I think it somehow break what make your game special : the aiming

Hmm... You could be right there. Lock rotation can be abused to make the game less interesting. On the other hand, I don't want it to be painful to play for people who don't like the aiming. I'll have to think what to do about it.
Thank you. :)
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