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Cart #16886 | 2015-11-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

the scent of wet fur
huddled close in the dark storm
fine red umbrella

-Electric Gryphon



It's actually one of those li'l toothpick umbrellas isn't it. X3

This is very lovely

wow! that's beautiful! :3


Be sure to put "p8jam1" in the topic's tags section so that it shows up in the list with the rest of them. :o


Thanks for the reminder JTE! Done and done.

So charming & nice haiku!

One word : poetic :)

Prety cool scene


The scene so small in scale reminds us that there is a world, there are whole ecosystems, underneath our feet, in places we never think to look, because to see would require us to get onto our knees, to dirty ourselves in the muck we have come to see ourselves as superior to, instead preferring hard, sanitary, unyielding concrete. And so we miss the lives of the minuscule because we lack the necessary imagination to think that there could be something worth investigating, something fascinating, in the places too dirty, too hard to fit into, too inconvenient to observe.

Hi Pineapple, that's exquisite prose. Thanks for the comment.

Wonderful mood in this scene. I especially like the expanding rings and animated reflection.

Ha, this is a cute scene. And the artwork is excellent.

Beautiful. The grass is particularly engaging.

Very, very beautiful. I included it in my Pico-8 Jam #1 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHEiGl10Aw8

Excellent scene, Excellent Haiku.



how do you beat this i want it to stop raining so the rats will happy

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