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Cart #celestial_valley-2 | 2024-12-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

An idle farming game developed in the Celeste Classic engine.


Movement: Arrow Keys
Jump: Z, C, or N
Interact: X, V, or M

Fish: Down + Interact
Swap: Up + Interact

Original game created by Maddy Thorson and Noel Berry.



fun! I cant wait to see where this goes!


btw is the growing speed random every time

this game is so good they made a precision platformer mod of it called celeste. just when you think you can't get any more creative with a celestial valley mod, someone goes and changes the entire gameplay.

Jokes aside, is there any way to progress? I played for a while and I haven't found any upgrades past the shovel. I see a blocked path that apparently requires $1000 but there doesn't appear to be a way to sell your berries. Everything else that's interactable requires some item I don't have. I figured out the trick that lets you jump slightly higher if you hold up before jumping, but that didn't help me get anywhere I couldn't before. Assuming the game is finished, I'd love to play the rest of it, as what I've seen looks promising.


@PicoCoder You can interact with the van to ship your berries. Unlocking the area to the right will open up most of the game and continue progression towards the fishing rod :3


Is there an actual way to reach the penguin? With no double jump I can't see how...


@ChakAttack There is, but not from the start. You'll need something very special to do so.


@taco360 Oh, ok, thank you. I'll keep searching. A game save feature would be helpful in my opinion. Still one of the best Celeste mods I've played.


@taco360 After a bit of grinding, I unlocked the right side of the map and found the fishing rod, but my progression seems to have stalled again. I don't see any clear objectives or obstacles I can tackle (except the penguin, which I can't reach and have no idea where any items or upgrades would be). I'm not sure what fish does, as I can't seem to sell it in any way. Looking at the game description, it seems up+interact is "swap" but I've found no context in which this command actually does anything. I tried fishing in different bodies of water but they all seem to give the same +1 fish. Do I need to simply fish enough times to get some kind of unique reward? Is there an interactable object I've overlooked? Should I be grinding for a Celestillion dollars? I'm definitely missing something here. On an unrelated note, as ChakAttack said, a save feature would be much appreciated; I'm planning to leave the game on while my pc is in sleep mode, but if that doesn't work, I'd hate to do that $1000 grind again. (A goal somewhere between $500-750 would be ideal IMO but I digress.) I really have been enjoying the metroidvania-esque upgrades and the satisfying farming game loop, though. This is certainly an impressive mod, I'm just a little bit too dumb/lazy to finish it for now :P Edit: Apparently posting a comment clicks you out of the game XD at least I have an excuse to replay it now!

I'm smashed by a snowball.

@taco360 how do you get it then ?

you need to add a guide that can help you progress thru the game

btw i liked this game it has a very interasting concept



you need 2 wall jump into the platform then do a jump while microclicking down to go to the platform the normel jump to the boxex to got a new bag that holds a diffrent type of berry with a diffrent type of seed that you can fish
btw those new berrys sell for 40 coins


Thanks so much. I assumed that path was impossible until I had some type of double jump or other ability. Somehow I didn't consider I just had to git gud at Celeste XD

no problem @PicoCoder

So, I tried out the Pico-8 game on the Xbox console, it was so good that you Have to press the Start Button on your controller and enable the Game Controls, You Should try out the Pico-8 Game on Xbox

@taco360 what is the point of fish and if you can sell it where do you need to go because i got the other berry yet i still don't know what to do with all of the fish i got .+-+*

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