Decided to make a very quick game. So there it is. Made in two hours, unimaginative and boring. Absolutely horrible code, but apparently without bugs (I hope).
So test your memory on SUPER DUPER SIMON!
There are still things I'm trying to understand about Pico8, also I'm not used to define low level stuff myself. I find these small projects help me.
edit: updated with a bug fix

I just noticed right (yellow) appears rarely in the combination. I wonder if I messed something up on the rnd thing.
edit: oops. Found the bug and fixed.

Got 12 first try, it's a Simon Says. Yup.
I wonder if the game would have been easier if you had kept the bug, or not? Would making yellow rare affect how hard it is to memorize?

hehe Not much to it, right? it has more valuable as a learning project than as a game.
I'm pretty sure it would be easier with the bug. 3 objects is easy to remember than 4, and the rare fourth becomes landmarks in the sequence.
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