Hello guys!
Thank you for your comments.
Some updates:
-time limit
-random arrangement of bananas
-levels with more bananas
-banana adds two seconds to the time of the collection
-at start of new level from the time of the collection subtracted a random number
Hello guys!
I've just started learning pico-8 and this is my first test game.
You should take all bananas.
cursors - move
z - take banana
Make it never-ending game with bananas spawning at random spots and make the tune and anim a "level end" tune, not "game end".
20 points high score perfect run!
All joking aside I actually really enjoyed your end level animation. Scripting walk animations is FUN.
To add a menu/title screen, here's what I did.
There's 3 main functions: Update, Init, and Draw.
Here's a snippet from my game:
Simple, right?
Skyrunner, if that's not an issue, could you add it to the wiki? Though I'm unsure if it is more for tutorials category or code snippet one. Probably tut tho.
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