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i remember there being some music files on this post before the 1.2.2 update. do you still have those? and if so, is it alright if you upload them?


That doesn't look good... I'm not sure what happened to cause that, maybe it got saved wrong?
Can you paste it here so I can take a look at it?

@ oh lord he bacc

Yeah I should still have them, they're the old ones I made before the final ones were made by jo560hs.

how do i put the world file in a code tag??

I replied in your thread

@cubee the bug happened again and its from my new save
heres the file

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bruh just realise i have a save in my google drive frick


try me, you little sh-
i think your save files all have tree fetishes

hey the terra blade doesnt live up to its name, and isnt anything like terraria's terra blade, as no beams.

terra beam? terra blade is kinda useless without it, but fun fact: i beat ocram true melee with it. please, do add this, or its a bland weapon.

WHAt du u mean my save files all have tree fetishes??? @CobaltNaginata

they keep on filling to the brim with corrupted trees, so im guessing they have a thing with em

I know that this is the 8th page for comments but I just want to say that this is the best game I have ever played on pico-8


Thank you!

hey @cubee, we need another boss. pre plantera, post ocram, but not needed for progression, but nice for plantera. how about we do indeed add skeletron? (dont say its not how terraria progress works, ocram is meant to be a final boss of old versions but he is pre plantera, so checkmate.) all we need to make his arms is simple, its basically just reskinned plantera hooks, but they have extra ai! he could drop a Dungeon Spirit, which can be combined with items, that are now used to craft the end items! being, True Nights Edge, and Megashark! They could now be used for the Terra Blade and the Dogblaster! i would love for this to happen!



Good ideas, but unfortunately as I've said to other people, there's not enough space to add anything else. (Not even one more item)

oh ok, i just wanted more items, and a boss. i'm sorry to waste your time. but if you ever can, i would indeed like this.

You can't add new bosses or items, but can you add a feature? this feature would be when hermes boots are in your inventory your shoes turn green. its just a small detail, and its ok if you cant add it.


@cubee I accidentally held down x while switching to my dogblaster, and it's one of literally 3 things that can't be retrieved. Could you have space so that magic mirror, shade bow evolutions, and musket evolutions are impossible to destroy?

Why dont you just create a new world and smash orbs for a musket, save your character, and go back to your world? it is very simple and due to it i have 2 dog blasters.


@CobaltNaginata @CrownDeluxe

Terra really is right at the limits, the main ones being tokens and compressed size as in this image:

(chars is irrelevant as the other two take priority)

Adding anything else at this point would require removing other things.
And at this point, I have other things to work on. Terra, as it is, is in a state I would call finished.




@cubee how about remaking this game to be a full game and release it on steam?


@cubee i know one item you could remove with little difference! Red bricks and clay arent that cool and are very under used. this could be used to add the feature i wanted!


I was finally able to beat the game without reloading the tab! It took me a few hours, but Plantera is dunzo.

This game was really fun. Thank you for creating it!


Thanks for playing!




To clear up space, you could remove the ebonstone wall. It has the exact same look as the normal stone wall. Chasms would have ebonstone boundaries like before, but stone walls behind.
Something else I recommend is upping the mining speed boost for upgraded pickaxes, increase the chance that a beetle drops its husk, and making the the beetle bow shot straighter (These should hopefully just replace preexisting numbers, and not use more tokens).
As a use of the space left by a removal of the ebonstone walls, could we have a polished, or at least less rough version of some white block (silver or iron ore), I've been making builds with these but it looks really rough, a smoother version would be appreciated.

Just some recommendations after all, you might not like them and you might not be able to fit it (even though they try to make the space for themselves), but I'll hope you consider!



I'll consider the stat changes, but I'm not going to replace ebonstone walls as that will break those walls in existing save files.

What do you mean by updating the character creator cart and not being able to access the save files?

@cubee When I press ctrl+c on the browser (here), nothing actually gets copied. I don't know, but, for example, zep's wobblepaint really can download files.
I was wondering if the "press z to play with this character button at the end of the creator" launched the most recent edition of terra.

There is a beta on his page
Walk to them biomes


Hmm, copying from the browser works for me.
The character creator always launches whatever the latest version of Terra is.

@cubee what do campfires do

Found a way to "Cheez" bosses with spamming the magic mirror to give the player infinte invincibility frames, so maybe give the magic mirror a cooldown slightly longer than the invincibility frames given.

The "Cheez" pun was very intended.


Campfires are just alternate light sources, they are mostly intended for building.
They don't give a healing buff like they do in Terraria.

The beetle husk drop rates are the bane of my existence. Please just make them guaranteed to drop.


@word counter:
I love playing this and I really want to get back into terraria again. Thank!

How to load my player's stuff back??
Edit: NVM

yo, this is really good, do you think you could make this a standalone game? running this on some low spec machines is probably really fun


Its really good! Can you port in on psp? I think that would be very cool

urh what happened to the player?


Oof, looks like a change in the PICO-8 0.2.5 update broke my sprite loading function. I'll see what I can do to fix it.

In case anyone is curious, the specific change is the sub() function returning to its pre-0.2.4 behaviour, where a nil third argument returns a single character.

Evidently the version I have locally is broken on the latest update.

I had a small update planned for Terra's first year halfway through September, which seems to have broken, so now it depends on if the issue is fixed by then.


Sprite problem is fixed, I'll upload it tomorrow.

1.4.1c: 0.2.5 sub() bugfix


  • Fixed the Terra logo, custom player sprites, and Plantera being unable to load due to sub() reverting to its pre-0.2.4 behaviour.

Stat counts: 8185/8192 tokens, 41239/65535 chars, 99.94% compressed size


I know I said I wasn't making another update, but I opened it and I couldn't help it, I've managed to save a ridiculous amount of tokens on top of adding expensive Quality of Life changes...

Anyway, guess I'm making a Terra First Anniversary update now. (It's on 13/9, a Terraversary?)

Also there's now a free sprite slot.

Here's the current change log:

1.4.2: EXTREME quality of life update.

  • Saved 87 (!!) tokens using more false->null style optimisations, also replacing foreach(x) with next, x, rnd(x) with rnd"x" (this became an issue once 0.2.5 released) and so on. (8105 tokens)
  • Replaced the dedicated sky tile with tile zero, as tile zero isn't even drawn anyway.
  • So, now I have a spare sprite and a significant amount of tokens. Why does this keep happening?
  • Moved the Shadow Orb counter to the player save, meaning you should no longer get duplicate items from them after reloading unless you break more than 3 orbs. (8115 tokens)
  • Mob drops with a negative amount are now guaranteed, this means beetles now always drop their husks. (8117 tokens)
  • Some more optimisations involving unpack+split. (Oh gosh it keeps going) (8104 tokens)
  • Treetops now render in front of tiles again. (8125 tokens)
  • The state of the mouse cursor is now remembered across sessions. (8141 tokens)
  • Optimised Plantera's phase 2 palette. (8128 tokens)
  • Fixed the player's trashy tile step-up implementation.
  • Mobs now drop through platforms if the player is below them. (8144 tokens)
  • World time is now saved in the player file. (8150 tokens)
  • Edited Corruption Grass texture to look nicer.
  • Changed keyboard controls to WASD+Space.
  • Added inventory mouse controls. (8191 tokens)
  • Optimised mob data code. (8178 tokens)
  • 0.2.5c released, fixing the aforementioned rnd"x" issue
  • _ENV trickery to save some more tokens.
  • Ebonstone walls are now replaced with stone walls.
  • oh gosh i just saved like 50 tokens in the mob data code WHAT... (8115 tokens)
  • Platforms are no longer offset while moving if mouse controls are enabled.
  • Improved blockswap so furniture tiles are no longer overpowered hammers, and so you can swap walls with regular blocks. (8174 tokens)
  • Item trashing has been modified to help prevent accidental trashing: Now you can only trash an item by pressing 🅾️/Z/Click to make it "hover" next to the hotbar, THEN pressing ❎/X/Right Click. Recover trash with ❎/X/Right Click, the trashed item will be move to the hovering slot given that it is empty. (8180 tokens)
  • E has been added as an inventory key, and removed old functionality for left/right keys to hover items, as the left key moves to the crafting side. (8185 tokens)
  • Ebonstone Walls have been re-implemented because I don't want to break saves in this update.

As of this update, Terra is now available on itch.io! You can download a copy of both the game and character creator cart that can be used offline, for those of you who would like to play on a device without an internet connection.

1.4.2: EXTREME quality of life and polish update.

  • Changed keyboard controls to WASD+Space.
  • Added mouse controls for the inventory. (8191 tokens)
  • (For @EpsiCron ) Mob drops with a negative amount are now guaranteed, this means beetles now always drop their husks. (8117 tokens)
  • (For @CrownDeluxe and those who lost important items) Item trashing has been modified to help prevent accidental trashing: Now you can only trash an item after pressing 🅾️/Z/Click to first make it "hover" next to the hotbar, THEN you can trash it with ❎/X/Right Click. If the hovering slot is empty, you can recover trash instead by pressing ❎/X/Right Click. (8180 tokens)
  • (For @CrownDeluxe ) Added Sliver Brick, a smoother white block. (3 sprites)
  • (Sorry speedrunners...) Improved wall blockswap so furniture tiles are no longer overpowered hammers. (8174 tokens)
  • Added one new enemy: the Spiked Jungle Slime! (boooooo!) They're like slimes, but they shoot at you! (8194 tokens, 1 sprite)
  • Hornets now shoot stingers when the player is in line of sight.
  • Added Tentacle Spike as a rare drop from Eaters of Souls, because the Corruption seemed lacking in content. (8189 tokens)
  • You can now craft 2 Potions using 3 spare Life Crystals at a Cursed Forge.
  • Moved the Shadow Orb counter to the player save, meaning you should no longer get duplicate items from them after reloading unless you break more than 3 orbs. (8115 tokens)
  • World time is now saved in the player save file. (8150 tokens)
  • Mobs now drop through platforms if the player is below them. (8144 tokens)
  • Bosses are now summoned randomly on either the left or right side of the player. (8190 tokens)

Stat counts: 8167/8192 tokens, 41386/65535 chars, 99.82% compressed size

Other changes can be found in the changelog section in the main post. (There's a LOT more!)

Character Editor changes (v1.1):

  • Added 3 new clothing styles.
  • Each clothing and hair style option now has a name.
  • Grey and Light Grey are no longer usable as clothing colours because that was weird, considering the player's skin colour is grey.

Look how far we've come since the very first version!

Cart #terra_1cart-0 | 2021-09-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Thanks for this! Also, does the extra space mean you can fix the extra pixel on the big slimes?

@cubee how do i download to pico-8 because i paid for it

I actually already fixed that in this update! (unless you're still getting it)

Where did you buy it from? If from here, it should be in the downloads button in the drop-down menu under your profile button in the top right corner.

I'm pretty sure that platforms kind of delete themselves when you use them, there weren't any getting placed (when I wasn't reaching placeable spots), but the inventory was still running out. They kind of just get drained.


@cubee Also, yes, haven't seen any slime pixels now. I didn't spot it in the changelog, so I thought I'd ask.
EDIT: Found some more bug.
The new polished silver brick is really weird. You can only break it with a torch (at least, campfire didn't work), and it's completely walk-through-able. It's like part wall, but hammers don't work on it.

Request: Could campfires be used as spawn proofing?

p.s. what exactly does the tentacle spike do?

Hmm, yeah there's something weird going on with platforms... must have broken them with blockswap or something.
The Silver Brick issue is what I get for forgetting to make sure it's a block.
Spawn-proofing may be possible, but I wouldn't count on it.
Tentacle Spike is just a melee weapon. Kind of strong, medium speed.


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