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Finally after so long I have beaten Celeste with the challenge to ground jump as little as possible (I can dash off the ground and I can still wall jump) and this was so difficult but yet SO MUCH FUN! I had to use so many glitches and pixel perfect / frame perfect tricks to do what I just did. Total jumps off the ground??? 3!!! I challenge anybody to try to get a lower ground jump count then I. (also I know this picture doesn't show my grounded jump count, but you'll just have to believe me)

you can beat the game with 0 ground jumps and no grace jumps, it's a really fun challenge

how? The one I really don't know how to do is the level after old-site (also yeah I didn't use any grace jumps either)

walk off the spawning platform and updash to spikeclip on the floating block covered in spikes, after landing on that updash again and collect the balloon (may take a few tries due to balloon height rng), then beat the level like normal

After trying for a good while I could not get it for the life of me and I don't know why. I went to your spike clip mod and while it was super fun, I still couldn't figure it out. It's either I'm misunderstanding your instructions or I'm just bad lol

While i'm figuring that out how do I get 1700 meters? (I just figured out how to get 1900 meters so I can do 2 grounded jumps at this moment)

here's 1300:

and here's 1700:

the timing of the right dash at the start of 1700 is pretty important


This helped a lot and now after a while of attempts I finally got these two, and I will have to try implementing them into a real run sometime (also 1700 is stupidly annoyingly precise lol) thank you!


Finally I have beaten the game with zero grounded / grace jumps. this was really fun and thanks for your help Sheebeehs! (I might try all strawberries with minimal ground / grace jumps at some point too)

no way I got this fast with 10 deaths

how I cant even get sub 3 min deathless

how could I change the controls from the arrow keys to WASD and from X + C to L + :?

just got this insane time. aiming for a sub 2 or less next.
i died stupidly and i was mad about it lol.

P#163506 [under spam review]

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