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and as usual, the rest of the bundle games can fuck off. I'm always really disappointed with usually every game in one of these bundles except ONE. Bullshit. Bundle #2 was a cruel joke.

First of all, thanks for super fast update. And thanks for deciding to add dual stick controls.

I have a question.

If the game is going to be platform for multiple gameplay styles.

Do you see possibility of RPG gameplay in future ?

Cool keep up the good work, I also really need dual stick control i've tried to add it with xpadder but it doesn't respond as I would like to. I really feel clumsy with the current controls. I really love the game, the editor is really easy to understand and fun.

Segmentation fault (on Linux Mint 10) when pressing ANY gamepad button at ANYTIME:( Including loading screen...

And yes it happens on the latest version 0.1.4

You should be able to rotate objects as a group, instead of making a group and having each shape rotate by itself.

Can you make it for joystick so you have an option of controls like in the version prior to current version because I liked how you could shoot one way and continue to shoot that way no matter how you moved

Can't you make a kind of tracker where we can post our bugs and suggestions? Also, if you use Shift+P, then quit the editor, the timeline will still be visible and running...

Love it!

can we get voxatron for free i cant pay due to lack of debit card credit card etc

I followed Notch who tweeted about this game I'd until now not heard of (As most of the voxel games I've seen are either old pre-90s games done as Voxel titles, Or the thousands of *Craft-likes out there.) This game brought me back to the days of chip music and when Dragons were Ducks and swords and crosses were interchangeable. :> Can't wait to see what comes out of this, And was happy to see my suggestion of a cursor for mousemode was implemented and cleverly I might add! (Voxel crosshair X3)

I can't wait to see how this pans out, Although I was rather surprised how few of my friends had heard of this game. Where can folks like me send suggestions? If you accept them, That is. X3 There's just a billion things I can see this engine doing, Some obvious some perhaps not so. :>

As to the 'double stick' issues mentioned, Jumping shouldn't be a problem as most pc pads seem to follow the 'xbox' or 'ps2/3' design so the shoulder buttons usually make for easily-reachable jumps, As do the 'proper' joysticks with a button on the top. (think the old Virtua-On setup.)

At any rate, Keep up the ossim work! The corporate game market's got kinda stale and it's you indie guys breathing new life into things!

Here's a sampler of something being worked on. Having almost as much fun with the editor as with the game itself (Voxel worksttions! :D)

Voxatron Mission In Progress! (IMAGE!)


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