if you have an object you don't need you can spend it so the enemy moves towards you, or you can try to bump into an object.

I wish I had played this before finishing Lich King. In comparison, this is much more of a movement puzzle and very little of an adventure game. The short time before the Wurst guy shows up makes the levels too rushed, and 5 hitpoints is not enough to take some hits and have fun. Also, there is really no point to the spinning blade traps if the monsters never run into them. Once you know they're a trap, they're just another wall.

@Greglikescomputers Yes, if you expect to be able to hack & slash through the game then this not the game for you. This is a Roguelike in the style of Michael Brough or Cave Noire. If you lose HP that means you made a mistake.
I assure you there are many uses for the blade traps

Brilliant. My girlfriend, who isn't even really a gamer, got so fixated on Porklike just from watching me play it, that she couldn't sleep, just running imaginary Porklike dungeons in her head all night. Tonight she played a few runs. We hope this will exorcise the Wurstlord from her addled mind.

This goes on my list of excellence. The world needs more short classic roguelikes and turn based tactics games.
I have been following the shmup tutorial series and trying to apply what I learn there to making my own more experimental ventures with different genres, and the shmup does look awesome but porklike just fills a niche I am firmly in.
May the Kielbasa be yours.
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