also if its not to much trouble to already read all this yapping and still get something asked from you could you make like a type of mini game after you nick the ship example a little guy has to go through a maze to make it to the next ship
(you could also add corrupted ships that have dmg buffs but you have less control of the ship I mean it occasionally moves on its own or it just moves slower idk

ik its hard to read all this yapping but maybe put a counter for how many ships someone has

@da goat Thanks for all the suggestions, they definitely spin up my brain! Imma look into some of these, (and no need to apologize, I'm happy you play the game and care to comment, thank you!)

btw I'm a close friend to @a guy :D we enjoy the multiplayer good job!

wait do you want me to get a gold star on every ship or a set amount of police embarassments (you choose)

@ironchestgames, @da goat has reason, the second weapon missile's ship it's actually op (you can just get close to the bad ship and only spam the missiles, and like that you get a ship in just 10 sec)

shield (passive)+missile (activate). go into the boss with a charged up shield and spam. also works with flak as activatable. shield is kinda op ngl

is there a way to make it so that the ice/mines/bubbles enemies dont stay on screen forever and go away after some time? please do this and thanks if you do, because i literally cant do this with them being permanent (bubbles closing off areas, ice spawning too much and being annoying, mines also closing off areas) also, (im sorry for the requests) but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE nerf the spawnrates by at least a LITTLE. I seriously cant with the spawnrates right now, i mean like yeah it would make the game easier, and i just have a skill issue (even though i dont cuz im the only one that has every ship so far) and i really need just a liiiiitle bit of nerfs for my sanity.

While I was playing, I found a glitch in the police event: in the long enemys that gives you power-up rechargers. The white ones just in the police raid, if you freeze the head, the head will became slow and the other ones will be advancing by normal, so, the part that you freeze will be foward, then when the next part is in front, and you freeze them, it becames slow... And then all she long ship is slow, and that don't supose to happen.
(I'm still learnin English :P )

A police raid with the bubblers, bombers, icers and the boosters, is one of the annoyantest thing on the world. (Don't ask what is "anoyantest" cause idk)

@da goat Thanks for playing the multiplayer and the kind words!
@BBoras :D and @a guy , you are quite right that some weapons are easier to exploit to get an easy first half of the nick. I don't see this as a big problem, as this still requires a fair amount of skill to pull off ;) , and even so, you still need to escape with the new ship!
@a guy I'm looking into lowering the difficulty another step, the end-game is just a tad too hard I agree. I'll also look into if I have space to make the bubblers, bombers, and freezers to leave the screen somehow.
@BBoras :D Thanks for reporting the glitch! This is another unfortunate trade-off for code tokens, but I'll see what I can do.

thanks for considering @ironchestgames ! I appreciate you understanding the situation and I have one last question-do you want me to get the gold "+" on all the ships, or a set amount of police raids, since I've nicked all the ships (and for some reason everyone laughs when I say I'm play shipnickers hint hint it sounds like a bad word hint hint) ((don't change it tho its fine)

HI AGAIN, @ironchestgames, I found another strange bug: when the enemys that use the tp one (the green ones, idk the name of the tp power) tp on one of the long enemys it destroys for some reason (the long enemys) (idk if is the all enemys or all the long ones :( )

@a guy Thanks for the heads-up about the name, I won't change it, but can be good to be prepared. The gold + on all of the ships is "end-game 1", then just see how many police raids you can do is "end-game 2" which goes on forever.
@BBoras :D Thanks again for reporting bugs! I can see in the code that this is how it works, when the teleport/blink enemy lands on another enemy (or enemy bullet) it will destroy it. I think that's probably fine to leave in, what do you think? is it a really bad bug?

@ironchestgames It can be like "blink enemys are helpful" and suppose that are tedious... But you can leave it 😁😁😁

Really cool spin on the Shmup genre. Collection all of the different ships adds a lot of replay value to your game!
Can't wait to see what else is in store!

also the patch for mines ice and bubbles didnt work ive been seeing them still stay idk why. i guess if you cant fix it, then try to point out they stay forever. also, ALL MY PROGRESS IS GONE. LITERALLY ALL OF IT. i have only the two starter ships and it just discouraged me to play this anymore, sorry.

@a guy Oof! That does not sound fun at all! Let me see if there's anything I did in the code that made this happen. In the meantime is it ok for you to answer these questions regarding the lost save game?
- Are you playing the same device and same browser?
- Have you deleted data from the browsers lately?

- yes
- yes, because i was getting a search history check.
Suggestion: maybe make the ice/mines like the slicer enemies, make them move in a random pattern while they shoot their stuff down the screen. also, keep the bubbles how they are. keep them permanent, its fine. you can shoot their bubbles anyways. either that, or maybe make it so that the ice guys shoot less ice things (maybe) and make their ice things be able to be shot, if you have any code tokens left. (tell me how many you have left please)

@a guy I'm sorry but I have some bad news for you. Save games for pico-8's web player are stored in the browser, so when the browser data is deleted that includes all pico-8 save games as well (not only this game, but all pico-8 games). I'm sorry this has not been clear and that you lost all your progress.
Now, regarding the enemies that stay forever. I did not alter the movement pattern, but I expanded the area so sometimes (not too often!) sometimes they go out of bounds and disappear. It is random so it might happen right away, or never happen. It might be too subtle to be noticeable so maybe I need to tweak it some more.
I have 17 code tokens left :) That might be enough to add some timer for the icers and miners, I'll play around.

I got like the 40% of the ships and I notice than...
The game is VERY repetitive :(
It's like "You nick a ship" and when you're back on the hangar it's like "see the enemys and choose the best ship" then like "You nick a ship" then like "see the enemys and choose the best ship" then like...
The only "interesting" thing is the POLICE RAID but it's the same but the ship have the all 10 powers and the double life...
I NEED a "history mode" or somthing like that, you will say like
"I ran out of code tokens"
I know, I know...
But it can be on a reply of the game 😁😁😁
(I'm not saying that your work is bad, It caused me very fun but I found it repetive)
Something can be the game funner
Like enemys with two or three powers or something like that 😅😅😅😉😉😉😋😋😋

@BBoras :D I'm always happy for any kind of feedback, I appreciate you taking the time to play the game and coming back to comment! With this I can make this game (or future game) better. It is also the most frequent feedback that the game is missing a lot of meat, and yes you're right I don't have tokens to make story mode and still leave everything as is, but I will think about this for future games (sequel?!) to balance these things better for a more full game experience. So thanks again for playing and commenting, it helps a lot!

The upper corners are always the safe spot when you're ridding away.
And the upper you are, the quicker the progress is likely to go.

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
(I live in México and it's christmas rn)

@jaguark hello~ ^^
@thePixelXb_ nice find! is that the same for all enemy types?
@BBoras :D Merry Christmas to you too! and a happy new year! With many games!

@jaguark @BBoras :D I will only make tweaks and bugfixes to this game going forward. I don't want to keep your hopes up for this game getting anything radically new.
I have reviewed where I am with the code and space left, and it does not look promising to expand this particular game any further, I wouldn't be able to add anything meaningful enough. If you still play this game, ideas for tweaks and bug reports are still welcome! (I plan on fixing the corner thing, and maybe dial down the difficulty yet another step of two.)

@jaguark I have been focusing on private life a bit, but will look at the stuff mentioned in my comment above.
@BBoras :D I have some 98% projects laying around that I'm planning to put up soonish. Shipnickers have a special place in my heart because of all the great comments and discussions on this forum, so I'm trying to figure out how it would look to create a full version with dayjob, and private life etc. I don't think it would be done in pico-8 though.
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