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how i make a furnace? pls


To make a furnace: 20 stone blocks, 4 wood, and 3 torches

There are only 3 biomes currently: the forest, and the jungle and corruption to the left and right.
There isn't currently enough space to add a multiplayer mode, but I might look into it if I can get enough space back.

The recipes for some things are slightly different, I'll add a list in the main post. For now, the Night's Edge is crafted with:

Light's Bane, 5 stingers, and a Soul of Blight
So, it's an endgame weapon

how do i change weapons





Cart #terra_recipes-3 | 2021-11-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

made a thing to see all the crafting recipes for anyone who's struggling


@Oleg sorta



v1.2.2 Update main changes:

  • Added music
  • Made items able to land on platforms (8169 tokens)

Other changes can be found in the changelog in the main post.

Thanks @jo560hs for making the music!

thanks @jo560hs for the recipes
where i found demonite?

I have some progress to share!

  • 200 health
  • 5 king slimes dead
  • 2 Eyes of Cthulhu dead
  • demonite tools
  • gold tools
  • all corrupt chasms explored
  • overworld explored
  • 6 deaths
  • boss arena/base
  • 2 failed attempts at secret boss
  • anvil/workbence/furnace
  • a mining system
    Thanks for reading!

50 stars on Terra! :D

v1.2.3 Update main changes:

  • Added automatic background walls behind certain tiles when they are next to one for a nicer look in houses. (mostly furniture)
  • Fixed anvils being unbreakable outside of destroying the tile beneath them.
  • Fixed the boss music continuing to play after the boss is defeated or despawns until touching a biome tile. (8170 tokens)
  • Added the campfire as an alternate light source. (doesn't provide campfire buff)

Other changes can be found in the changelog in the main post.

Hey, I would like to play your game but every time I try to open it, it keeps on saying "Future version. Please Update!", and I don't know how to update the game. Can I get some help?


That means that your PICO-8 needs to be updated, not the game. The current version of Terra was made on PICO-8 v0.2.3, earlier versions won't open it by default


@cubee ok thanks for the info!

I got night's edge!


I would love to see more of this (picoTool may allow for more space)

things that would be great:
More enemies
Armor slots/armor
autofireing guns
autoswing swords

also, using 1 or 2 slime sprites and recoloring them could save sprites



I beat the game! The boss was so fun to play against and I almost didn't notice it when I killed him seeing as he was off screen and there wasn't any boss music for him. I spent 30 seconds on edge thinking he would fly in anywhere! Once I beat 'em, I crafted a suitable weapon for myself... A sword? Pshh, nah. I made a dog gun... This game is so fun and I will play more each day! Thank you so much for the wonderful cart.

3 different slimes use the same shape sprites
but recolored by code could save space
(this could also allow for reusing other sprites like maybe ores)



eow sprite ideas


Thanks for the suggestions, but unfortunately the main limit I'm hitting is the token count (currently at 8103 out of 8192 tokens), rather than sprite space and compressed size, which makes picoTool less useful in my case.

Though, the next PICO-8 update (0.2.4) looks like it's going to have something that will help that slightly, so I might look at adding some more enemies and weapon types after that comes out.

By the way, the next update will add a few more ammo types, including infinite!

cool, when will it be coming out do you think?

(also, where is the info about it?, I am curious what it will add)


Specifically, it adds silver bullets and flaming arrows (without the "on fire" debuff), and the endless quiver and musket pouch.

Other than that it's mostly bug fixes and quality of life.

I think I'll release it within a day or two.

Current changelog:

  • Removed ADDPROJECTILE function to save tokens, since it was only used in one spot. (8148 tokens)
  • Added support for different arrow/bullet types for bows and guns. Put the ammo you want to use closest to the top of your inventory bar. (8158 tokens)
  • Moved layer heights upwards slightly to add a tiny bit more underground space, and to prepare for PICO-8 0.2.4's memory offset features. (which will change the map dimensions slightly)
  • Reduced furnace stone requirement from 20 to 10.
  • Made the selected recipe reset to the top upon closing the inventory.
  • Prevented changing to the crafting side of the inventory if there are no recipes available. (8170 tokens)
  • Added some new ammo types, including INFINITE AMMO!!!
  • Copper tools are now wooden tools since copper doesn't exist.
  • Added recipes for wooden tools for if you accidentally trash all of your tools somehow.
  • Added sound effect for shooting ranged weapons and did some more token optimisations.
  • Replaced fired bullets with that iconic orange line that Terrarian guns fire. (8171 tokens)
  • This update also marks return of the DEATH SOUND!!!
  • Found some more token optimisations. (8163 tokens)
  • Fixed a bug where the music would change back to the biome music while fighting a boss if the inventory is open.
  • Adjusted how distance and depth light levels are calculated to be more token efficient. (8102 tokens)

I meant the 0.2.4 pico-8 update but thx

Oh yeah, there was a tweet about the changelog a little while ago.


That plus volume control I believe.

I am on a school computer, can you put in this thread?



1.2.4: Ammo and potential WORLD SAVING update! (Alternatively, the "How am I still under the limits!?" update)

Main changes:

  • Added some new ammo types, including INFINITE AMMO!!! Put the ammo you want to use closest to the top of your inventory bar.
  • Reduced furnace stone requirement from 20 to 10.
  • Added recipes for wooden tools for if you accidentally trash all of your tools somehow.
  • Replaced fired bullets with that iconic orange line that Terrarian guns fire.
  • Fixed a bug where the music would change back to the biome music while fighting a boss if the inventory is open.
  • Added functionality for saving and loading players and worlds! (the currently unused functions take 92 tokens)
    • (Currently disabled due to token limits, will enable it if possible after PICO-8 0.2.4 is released)
  • This update also marks return of the DEATH SOUND!!!

Other changes can be found in the changelog in the main post.

Woo! Let's go, saving is gonna become a thing soon! This is the best news yet for the game!




To make infinite ammo: 1 demonite bar, 2 rotten chunks, and 99 normal bullets or arrows at an anvil



I made video of this game:

pico-8 24 update?


Yes, i'm working on adding the saving and loading. Should be done soon.
I'm just thinking whether i should use the scaled logo that's in the main post or make a new one for the menu.


1.3: PICO-8 0.2.4 BIGMAP and saving update!

Main changes:

  • Added a title screen and menu system, complete with a rotatey logo!
  • Implemented 0.2.4's BIG MAP! (i finally saw the token count dip below 8000!)
  • Saving and loading are now things that exist!
    • Read more about it in the new section in the main post.
  • Added a background for the world and title screen to make the world look that little bit nicer. Now we got PARALLAX!
  • Rebalanced shadow orb loot. Now the order is: Bow, Mirror, then Musket and the damage output of the ranged weapons has been reduced slightly.
  • Added Wand Of Sparking as a ranged weapon that consumes gel as ammo, crafted at a workbench with wood and torches.

Other changes can be found in the changelog in the main post.

plis @cubee uploand a video of how to save your servant from the terra plisssss

Super Cool, I love the parallax but I would like to see a version that instead has more enemies/bosses/other content

Good stuff! surprised that you could fit all of that with the new update but guess it's pretty powerful huh?

i wish pico was more storage based(kb,mb,gb) rather than token based, i mean it would make way more sense with cartdrige theme

plis @cubee uploand a video of how to save your servant from the terra plisssss

help my @cubee

what is item syntax?

edit nvm, autoswing for ranged?

flamethrower (wand of sparking+soul?)
basicly WoS with autoswing

final sprite/token saving ideas

use pal() to recolor identical sprites:
tools, weapons, blocks, items, trees, walls, enemies

fillp for break anim, rather than sprites

final item ideas

blade of grass (part of night's edge, crafted with stingers)
minishark (full auto gun, musket + demonite bars?)
flamethrower (WoS + demonite/soul of blight)

mushroom - heals 15 (no heal debuff) (grow naturally)
potion (heals 50) (no heal debuff) (crafted with mushrooms)

demonite can spawn naturally but can't be broken w/out gold tools

acorn - plant tree

-life fruit (spawns after ocram)

recolor EoC with palt() for twins boss fight

zombies can drop gel?
skeletions can drop arrows?


rework item syntax system:
item ID:damage:type:usetime:value:item sprite : palette changes : comments

autoswing is a flat toggle, not a melee only feature

multiple drops for 1 enemy would also be cool

https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=43558 to add more sprites


boss health bar sprites:

hey! you @cubee why you no add the option to continue

because I don't know save the terra - demak terraria plis
put the option to continue

the option to continue is there already, I assume it's a key you save or cdata, not the latest to check.
(Oh wait nvm, it takes the menuitem and prinths a file, I see.)


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