Wide font
A wide font using only P8SCII characters overlayed onto each other. Uses 76 tokens, feel free to use it with credit!
function wide(t,x,y,col) --credit to yolwoocle t1= " ! #$%&'() ,-./[12345[7[9:;<=>?([[c[efc[ij[l[[([([st[[[&yz[\\]'_`[[c[efc[ij[l[[([([st[[[&yz{|}~" t2=" !\"=$ '()*+,-./0123]5678]:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx]z[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx]z{|} " n1,n2="","" for i=1,#t do local c=ord(sub(t,i,i))-16 n1..=sub(t1,c,c).." " n2..=sub(t2,c,c).." " end if(col!=nil)color(col) print(n1,x,y) print(n2,x+1,y) end |
¿I can use this for pixel arts?
I love how each letter is designed
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