Does anybody know if the PICO-8 typeface is available as a regular font anywhere? I guess it‘s coded differently as a regular font in PICO-8 so someone would have to recreate it to use outside.
I want to create a game jam poster and of course it would look great to use the 5x3 characters for that, in print.

i dont know but you could use pico 8 to display the text you want to get printed, screenshot it and edit it :)

Here you go: PICO-8.ttf
I made it using FontStruct, I'm not claiming copyright but it puts your username in automatically. The font belongs to Zep and I'll take it down if he asks. Oh and I added $@| symbols, they seemed to make sense but aren't 'official'

Perfect! You are Pixel Hero(™) of the week! Thanks you very much!

In case anyone finds this thread in the future, here's the thread with all the .ttf variants:
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