BLD is a BoulderDash like.
The player:
- can move (arrow keys)
- goes not too fast
- can push the rocks
- can collect gems (50 points)
The rocks and gems fall (bottom, left or right). Take care, they can kill (3 lives).
=> You can destroy the butterfly !!!
Connorses > boulders don't rolling off flat ground :-)
Pizza, Matt > Thanks for your comments
Comments welcome :)
This goes to an end... Now, I will start a new projet... "chop" !
Kind regards,
Damn, now it's really something! Made it to level 5 on 30 seconds, then I couldn't take the pressure (of the rocks stacked on top of my head) anymore. Great job!
Thanks :-) Zep makes a wonderful job with pico-8. I haven't had this fun since a long time. The community is nice.
I'm trying to enroll me in the ludum dare october challenge 2015 (now I have to earn my first $1 on itch.io). If this happens, I give $15 to Zep for a new licence.
I have listened your music on youtube. You're very good :-)
I like PICO-8 Music #4 (Sadly, the video ends to early).
I need more :-) Is there a cartrigde to download somewhere?
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