A short game about serving ice cream using a catapult-ish mechanic.
My first project that's somewhat complete. It's pretty bare bones at this point but pretty playable.
The list of tweaks and improvements I plan to make include:
-add sound FX and music
-make art and a logo for the title screen
-make background art for the game play. I'm thinking make it appear that you are standing over buckets of
ice cream
-randomize which ice cream scoops are queued up
-streamline a bunch of the code. I need to tweak how the arrays used for tallying numbers at the end are
structured so that I can just use loops to populate them and do the comparisons
-add bonuses. Thinking a full ice cream order gets a completion bonus. Also, maybe a penalty for any
customers that didn't get any ice cream
-add actual levels. I had the idea that obstacles of some kind randomly float across the middle of the
screen that can block ice cream scoops after they are flung
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