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Cart #quasarkid-9 | 2023-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Quasar Kid is on a quest across the galaxy to meet new friends and bring them together. Each new planet you visit is inhabited by potential alien friends. Some of them are not very friendly though, use your rainbow thruster to fill them with joyful colors and bring them to your ship.


  • d-pad/arrow-keys: move quasar kid left and right
  • x button: use your rainbow thruster to control movement up and down
  • down+x close to your ship: launch your inventory of friends screen
    • use arrow keys to browse your collected friends list
    • press x to see details and potentially release friends into the universe to allow space for new friends
    • press z to close the inventory
      up+x close to your ship: skip the current planet and go to the next one


  • A gazillion procedurally generated alien friends. Collect your favorites!
  • Hundreds of different worlds to visit.
  • A rainbow thruster!
  • This game was inspired by a great famicart designed by @KeithAWood


  • 1/17/2023 BIG UPDATE
    • a new uber extra ultra mega rare alien "color" (rainbow shiny).
    • planets can't be skipped until all "unknown" aliens are captured.
    • Quasar Kid is no longer indestructible, if your quasar power goes down to zero, you teleport back to the ship.
    • planets ending with 9 have a better chance at having rare aliens
  • 12/29/2020:
    • Quasar Kid suit changes color when more than half of your inventory is filled with friends of the same color.
    • added some player stats to the inventory: times hit, planets visited, adventure time and number of aliens collected so far.
    • other minor fixes
  • 12/16/2020:
    • New upgrade: after collecting 50 friends you can now see where all the green aliens are on the radar so you can easily ignore them (100 for blue, 200 for pink...)
    • ​Fixed ship launch on radar.
  • 12/14/2020:
    • BIG CHANGE: now your upgrade power is based on the alien friends you have in your inventory and not on the ones you release.
    • inventory is now only accessed by getting close to your ship and pressing: down+x
    • now you can skip the planet by getting close to your ship and pressing: up+x
    • revamped inventory screen
    • inventory screen now shows the time the game is played and the number of collected aliens
    • you can also do a "galaxy jump!?" from the menu (press <enter>) to randomize the levels again and start from the beginning (without losing your collected friends)
  • 10/28/2020:
    • added music.
    • a new uber ultra mega rare alien color (1/1000).
    • more sfx.
  • 10/21/2020:
    • Added a title screen and some tuning, polish and sfx.
  • 10/17/2020:
    • misc bug fixes and polish


This is fun - and very nice, which I appreciate a lot these days :).


Cute and with some rpg elements - well done!


Monsters become friends! Energy is for flying and for managing and for damage! You pick what you want to improve!

I love everything about this game!


Played some more and gameplay would certainly benefit from a monster combo system.
That is, be able to combine some monsters for a bigger (future) bonus.
As of now, collecting monster doesn’t offer anything vs using their abilities directly.

Thank you very much for the nice comments, everyone!

@freds72: My original intention was to make it about the struggle between keeping your favorite looking alien friends or sacrifice them for more collecting power. So, in theory, you end up with a nice looking collection the farther you go (pruning the ones you don't like for quasar power). Your idea sounds interesting though, I might give it some thought for a future update.


It would be great to have a kind of monster encyclopedia where you can see all the monsters you have captured, separate from the monsters you currently have in your rocket (pokédex vs party). Completing the encyclopedia is a goal for some people, whereas monsters in the rocket do something else (powerup or combo?), so that there are different motivations for keeping or releasing them.

@merwok I agree an encyclopedia of aliens would be cool, but there are more than 4 billion possibilities (with probably a whole bunch of lookalikes), might be a bit prohibitive memory and screen-space wise. I'll keep thinking of something similar though.


Is the rare color black? I got a black one. Also a white one if that's the color.

Also does the game ever end?

Each color has a different level of rarity in this order (from lowest to highest): green, blue, pink, yellow, white, black.

And no, there is no end game yet... once you get to level 100, you teleport to a new random galaxy. I have plans to add a few more features so perhaps I'll add some boss fights, a game ending and similar things.

Thanks for playing!


After a delightful 2 and a half hours, I now have a full inventory of 48 black aliens! It was honestly really, really fun to get to this point even if the latter end of it involved a lot of just skipping planets. Something tells me that rare color still eludes me though, so I might just keep going!

@Snas286 sorry for the late reply, but there wasn't really another color past black... until now! go back to play the game and get all shiny rainbow aliens in your storage! Post a screenshot once you do! :)

This is adorable. Thanks for sharing!

muy jugable y bonito graficamente,gracias

Love this game, it was really fun and addictive from the get-go. Made this post to celebrate finding my first rainbow critter- and not on a rare level, even! The whole thing is so adorable and I just can't stop playing! Thanks!

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