In order to experiment with the Picotron v10 Gui library, I made this simple 4 op (more like 6 op) calculator! Just copy and paste the following code into a blank Picotron project and press ctrl+r!
gui = Gui() set_window(79,73) buttons = {} state = 0 a = 0.0 b = 0.0 op = nil buffer = "" function _init() for i=1,9,3 do for j=0,2 do add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label=tostr(i+j),x=j*16,y=(abs(i-9)/3)*14+8,bgcol=0x0d01,fgcol=0x070d,tap=function()add_buf(i+j)end})) end end add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="0",x=0,y=59,bgcol=0x0d01,fgcol=0x070d,tap=function()add_buf(0)end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label=".",x=16,y=59,bgcol=0x0d01,fgcol=0x070d,tap=function()add_buf(".")end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="=",x=32,y=59,bgcol=0x0902,fgcol=0x0209,tap=function()eval()end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="+",x=48,y=17,bgcol=0x0b03,fgcol=0x030b,tap=function()set_op("+")end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="-",x=48,y=31,bgcol=0x0b03,fgcol=0x030b,tap=function()set_op("-")end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="*",x=48,y=45,bgcol=0x0b03,fgcol=0x030b,tap=function()set_op("*")end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="/",x=48,y=59,bgcol=0x0b03,fgcol=0x030b,tap=function()set_op("/")end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="c",x=64,y=17,bgcol=0x0902,fgcol=0x0209,tap=function()clear()end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="^",x=64,y=31,bgcol=0x0b03,fgcol=0x030b,tap=function()set_op("^")end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="%",x=64,y=45,bgcol=0x0b03,fgcol=0x030b,tap=function()set_op("%")end})) add(buttons, gui:attach_button({label="_",x=64,y=59,bgcol=0x0d01,fgcol=0x070d,tap=function()inv()end})) end function _draw() gui:update_all() cls(n) if state==-1 then ?"err",1,4,7 else ?buffer,1,4,7 end gui:draw_all() end function inv() buffer = tostr(buffer) if sub(buffer,1,1) != "-" then buffer = "-"..buffer else buffer = sub(buffer, 2) end end function add_buf(n) if(state==-1)state=0 buffer = buffer..n if(#buffer>15)buffer=sub(buffer,1,15) end function set_op(n) if(state==-1)state=0 if state == 0 then a = buffer buffer = "" op = n state = 1 else state = -1 end end function eval() if state == 1 then b = buffer buffer = "" if op == "+" then buffer = a + b elseif op == "-" then buffer = a - b elseif op == "*" then buffer = a * b elseif op == "/" then buffer = a / b elseif op == "^" then buffer = a ^ b elseif op == "%" then buffer = a % b end state = 0 end end function clear() if buffer == "" then op = nil a = 0.0 b = 0.0 state = 0 else buffer = "" end end |
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