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Cart #ummmm_ok_raycaster-0 | 2023-02-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

ok here's this. i want the edges to be clearer cos right now the view is fisheye. and idk how i should add clarity to the walls to distinguish them from walls behind them. thanks!

arrow keys to move, c to switch to overhead view


Age of Ants

send your worker ants to gather resources…
amass an army to defend your queen…
build your ant empire and conquer the lawn!

Age of Ants is a demake of Age of Empires II (with an ant/bug retheme, why not), featuring:

  • 1 map with 4 possible starting locations
  • Up to 2 allied AI opponents with 3 difficulty modes
  • 9 units, 8 buildings, 12 tech upgrades (most are repeatable)
  • Up to 99 active units per player
  • AoE2 controls & behaviors (let me know if something seems off, it's been a while)
  • Savefiles¹ (save in the pause menu to generate a screenshot, drag and drop to load)
  • Original soundtrack
  • wololoooo

Defeat the enemy queen to win!

It's playable on:

  • desktop with mouse (best experience, download here)
  • mobile/tablet (on bbs the page might scroll around - for a better experience try playing on itch)

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More bugfixin'

PICO-8 0.2.5f 0.2.5g is up now up on lexaloffle, Humble, itch.io, and for PocketCHIP and web (Education Edition).

v0.2.5g Changelog:

Fixed: tonum("123abc") returns 123 (should return nothing) // also breaks split(). regression in 0.2.5f
Fixed: draw_tabs not listed by CONFIG command

v0.2.5f Changelog:

Added: CONFIG DRAW_TABS 1 to show tab characters in code editor (previously required editing config.txt)
Changed: tokenizer recognises long comments / string using [=[ ]=] e.g. [==[ long string ]==]
Changed: Nested long comments and strings no longer allowed
Changed: x % 0 gives 0 (was x)
Optimised: software blitter now faster when using PocketCHIP, windowed raspi or blit_method 1

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  • Mobile: D-pad and X preferred (touch controls not optimized)
  • Desktop: arrow keys and X or mouse

Cart #pepusweepr-5 | 2023-02-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

version history

  • 5: Public release
1 comment

Cart #datarestored-0 | 2023-02-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

[ data restored ]

"Fallen into forgotten ruins, a little lad has to collect mysterious data containers by throwing blocks and solving puzzles"

I hope you enjoy my new game <3


Cart #applemup-3 | 2023-03-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Applemup is a remake of Cherry Bomb by Krystman.


  • Arrow keys - Move
  • X - Shoot
  • Z - Bomb (uses apples)


Shoot everything . Collect apples to "charge" more powerfull shots .
If you collect more than 5 apples you get a life instead .
Kill the nasty creature to win!


This game was made following the tutorial from Lazy Devs Academy.
Special thanks to Krystman .

Created by @vangelis - [email protected]
Feedback is definitely appreciated!

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Cart #catlike-8 | 2023-06-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Itch.io Link

What is This?

Once upon a time... A young cat lived in a small town of Catsensburg.
The cat was small, but brave... Risking his life to anything he wanted...
The cat folks kept talking about a mysterious, creepy, dark mansion with some magic milk at the top.
The cat would be absolutely flabbergasted upon gaining such information.
However, there was problem...
Savage monsters were lurking and roaming in the mansion in search for blood!
But the treasure at the top was too much for the cat. He would go inside the creepy mansion in search of the magic milk...

How Do I Play?

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Cart #terufzoge-3 | 2023-02-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License



Like Tetris, but you can erase cells in 2 directions.

Have fun! 😜


Cart #zubyurwe-0 | 2023-02-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

1 comment

Cart #tinyalchemist-4 | 2023-05-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Tiny Alchemist

The cute alchemy shop simulator!


Arrow keys to move
C to pick up/put down potion
X to interact
You can toggle the music from the pause menu.

How to Play

Buying and Selling Potions

Customers will appear on the left between 8:00 and 20:00 (when the sign at the top says OPEN).
You can buy the potions they place on the counter by pressing C while facing them, as long as you have enough money.
You can sell your potions to them by pressing C while facing an empty slot on the counter, as long as the formulas match.

Making New Potions

Place potions in the machines, then run on the treadmill to power them.
The potions will be processed into new potions!

Horizontal Cut
Input: 1 2-high potion.
Output: 2 1-high potions.
Separates the top and bottom halves of a formula.

Horizontal Join
Input: 2 1-wide potions.
Output: 1 2-wide potion.
Joins the left and right halves of a formula.

Clockwise Rotation
Input: 1 potion of any dimensions.
Output: 1 potion of the same dimensions.
Rotates a formula clockwise.

Horizontal Flip
Input: 1 potion of any dimensions.
Output: 1 potion of the same dimensions.
Flips a formula horizontally (over the y-axis).

Input: 1 potion of any dimensions.
Output: None.
Destroys a potion to make more space in your lab.

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Cart #shapedemo-0 | 2023-02-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Helloooo everyone!

I made this cart because I am positive someone out there desperately needs it.
Ok, so I just made it for fun, but surely you would too.

I left some notes on how to use it, but you may have some work ahead if you want to decipher my code.

The making

I first envisioned a shape platformer game. That never happened. Anyhoo, I had envisioned a game
and I needed a simple and easy way to draw believable polygons. First, I looked around to see if
anyone else had done it before. I found one or two, but I did not like them enough.

My plan was simple:
I would draw the shapes one line at a time, top to bottom.
After some trial runs, I ended up scrapping it. Next, I dabbled with the idea of vertical lines.

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Cart #simon_says_v1-0 | 2023-02-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Simple little game made in a couple of days as a mini project. Use the arrow keys to mimic the pattern - challenge yourself with four different difficulty settings, or see how far you can go in endless mode.

You can change the speed in the options menu if you find the default speed too fast or slow. You can also turn off the multicoloured text animations if you want.

Technically my first finished and submitted cart (I've got another one sitting that I'd consider my actual first cart, but I've still got some UI to finish in it). Also, apologies to those reading through the code - it's in one big lump, not super commented, and obviously far from perfect. This was just an impulsive little project I started a few days ago and I didn't fret over programming it in an optimised manner; there's definitely things that could be cleaned up if I were making something bigger where I'd be more inclined to put the effort in. But, hey, I finished it, and it works. So enjoy :)



Shoot the targets to get more ammo.

Game ends when ammo runs out.

Use arrows to aim, Z to shoot.

Cart #mrtr555-0 | 2021-11-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

(press the ▶ button to start)

Source code

555 characters

i=0,b do p=i>56and i<72and p or
o=b-o end
q=l[o]::s::k=a()m,n=mid(m+(k>>1&1)-(k&1),-16,16),mid(n+(k>>3&1)-(k>>2&1),-16)if a(4)then
for v,p in ipairs(l)do

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=125170#p)

Cart #strdsum-0 | 2023-02-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Feature Overview

STRDSUM() sums two numerable strings.

  • The number of digits it can handle exceeds the 32-bit limit. (Probably as long as the system will allow.)
  • Match the string length to the longer of the two arguments.
  • Negative values and values after the decimal point cannot be handled.(Insert a period in the output result.)
  • This function consumes 63 Token.

This code may cause errors in versions prior to 0.2.5c.

?strdsum('32768','32768') -- 65536

?strdsum('500','000500') -- 001000

?strdsum('900109','123456') -- 1023565
1 comment

I'm new to PICO-8, and my first experiment was to create a simple program that moves a rectangle back and forth. When I run it, the movement will be fairly smooth at first, but then I start to notice a sort of hitching every couple of seconds. I tried this both on my desktop and laptop, and see the same behavior on both computers.

Is this something with my code, my eyes, or PICO-8 itself?

I'm running this on Windows by the way.

Here is the code I'm trying:

x = 109
xs = -1

function _update()
  x = x + xs
  if x < 0 or x > 110 then
  	 xs = xs * -1

function _draw()


sorry if this is "yet another" boring token-saving post (haven't been around long enough to know how common they are), but here's a list of (fairly) generalizable token saving tricks i've compiled while working on my upcoming game, in case it might be helpful to anyone. i think there are some on here that i haven't seen elsewhere on bbs, but also some of these may be pretty basic :)

this list does not include unpack(split()) tricks, or _ENV tricks, which can both have enormous token windfalls.

also, by far the best way to save tokens is not using these tricks, but to stare at your code hard... really hard... until something clicks and you realize you can convey 3 variables' worth of information with one, that you can reuse functions, that you're doing the same computation throughout your code many times and can use a variable, etc. or you know, to delete stuff.

these are kind of last-resort, please god just 3 more tokens sorts of things (although they do add up). hope they are of some use. with that aside, let's begin!

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No duh, right?

I've been making PICO8 games for 7 years now (doesn't feel that long) and the tokens and limits have just been part of the fun. Those restrictions can push our creativity into something better. That's the whole point and I love it.

My focus has always been on making the games for people playing on the P8 console in some fashion, whether on a PC or a handheld or whatever. And that audience is basically other P8 devs and gamers that know and appreciate the limitations.

Until now, Itch.io has mostly been an afterthought for my games. Basically just a nice way for people to play them all via the web...and you get some nice exposure bumps from the platform and so on.

Don't Dig Up the Dead it was the first time I put more conscious effort into the Itch.io versions of the game, whether that be the downloadable binaries or even just playing the web version for free. I've also put more effort into spreading the word about the game because I'm just proud of it and very happy with how it turned out. No shame. But with that push comes more feedback, which is always wonderful to receive...

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Cart #datijasigu-0 | 2023-02-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Following Lazy Dev tutorial but coudn't get the last boss to shoot many bullets


Frogs Can't Swim

Cart #frogscantswim-2 | 2023-02-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


⬅️⬆️⬇️➡️ Face direction
🅾️ Hop forward

How to Play

As a tiny, little frog, find the exit to each level by hopping on and over lily pads to reveal directional clues to the exit, and eventually the exit itself. Avoid speeding cars, irritating bees, wiggly snakes, and falling into water (since you can't swim) to reach the exit before the timer runs out! How many levels can you complete? (*Except in 'Not Frogger' Mode, you need to land on all the flowered lily pads at the top of the screen to complete the level)

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Cart #blastroom-0 | 2023-01-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello! I've been playing around with the Pico 8 for a while, and I thought I'd sit down and try to create a full game myself! I coded this in about 4 days. It's an arcade-like experience, loosely inspired by Disc Room and Pigments, but it takes that general game structure in a new direction. There's twelve different levels to try to survive in, each with their own obstacles, powers, and goals.

Controls should be explained in-game. Have fun playing, and good luck earning the highest medals!

Thank you to Heracleum and the PICO-8 Discord with help optimizing the game's draw loop.


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