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Cart #fruittt_falll-1 | 2020-08-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first publish in PICO-8 corrected the first version, thank nerdyteachers for learning PICO-8 and lua in this process!

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Cart #rymdhulken-2 | 2021-02-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Available at itch.io https://spoike.itch.io/rymdhulken

Releasing my first PICO-8 game, a little tactical rogue like with some aliens. I've started to run low on tokens and am taking a little break from tinkering with it to get some feedback.

The game is inspired by a bunch of games (like Space Hulk, Cannon Fodder and XCOM). It is largely based on Space Marines by Adam Alexander who made it for 7DRL 2020. Many thanks to the Roguelike tutorial Youtube series by LazyDevs that guided me into writing this game.

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Cart #wtf01-4 | 2022-03-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


CrazyBus for the PICO-8!

This is an extremely faithful port/clone of CrazyBus for the PICO-8!
All the info you need is below!

Binary builds and extra stuffs here:



	PicoBus (v3 Memeohime)
	Author: SuperPositiveP

	PicoBus is built with:
		PICO-8 https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php
		colecobug's box-art template https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3489


Okay, so let's keep this as a simple README.txt-esue thing.

There are exacty 10 playable buses in the game.

These include buses from the original CrazyBus and are:

		the irizar century 3.95,
		the busscar vissta buss,
		the generic school-bus,
		the busscar jum buss 360,
		the encava e-nt6000,
		the marcopolo paradiso gv1150,
		the pico-8 logo,
		totally not a hotweels m&m-themed bus I found on google for a joke,
		hero wentward dt40l from BeamNG,
		sleipnir glacier bus from iceland

This game has the iconic music from the original CrazyBus, and it is 99% accurate to CrazyBus 2.0!

Finally, there is a small corruptor mode I included from a snippet.
Access it by holding UP and LEFT on whatever control method you use while the PICO-8 splash is on screen.
It really only corrupts the titlescreen and all the sounds and sprites, it doesn't actively corrupt the game lol.

That's about it, have fun toying around with my little COVID-19 stir-craziness project that I for some reason
decided to update 2 years later to remove dumb stuff and add polish.

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Cart #shopshop-4 | 2020-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The cart is completed! There are a few bugs with the seed menu but I'm too tired to mess with it anymore. If there are any game-breaking bugs please report them in the comments.

The song is an 8-bit remix of Amazing Plan by Kevin Macleod.
This is a cart based on I'll Take You To Tomato Town for my major project in school.

Random Seed Time: 00:31
Set Seed Time : XX:XX
Can you beat my times?

Arrow keys to move
X to show menu
C to toggle with shelves
X+C to shop minimap


was messing around with having â–ˆ and â–’ being written to a file with printh()
But then it wasn't working when I tried to read them...
Then I looked at the chr list and █▒ (48,50) arn't on there and instead 0,2 are 48,50...?
How would I use chr() to give me â–ˆ/â–’? is it possible?


Ek het gister middag gou vir jou hierdie elektroniese kaartjie geteken en programmeer (krediet aan Sas vir die musiek, van een van ons vorige projekte). Klik op die speel knoppie hieronder - vat seker so 'n minuut of twee - hoop jy hou daarvan!

Cart #veelsgelukma2020-0 | 2020-08-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


For some reason, Pico-8 seems to be slowing down to 30fps about every second or so and then going back to 60 a short while after, even in a practically empty cart. Here's a simple cart to show what I mean, although the ctrl+p CPU display shows it much clearer, it doesn't seem to show up in gifs, and I have no other way of recording it.

Cart #tufozukate-0 | 2020-08-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

All this cart does is add 1 to a variable every frame _update60() is called, and clears that variable every frame _draw() is called. If Pico-8 is running at full speed, it should always be 1, which it is on the BBS's html player, at least for me. On my computer (Windows 10 1903), this cart does this:

It's also seemingly caused some problems with sound effects, as it seems like whenever a sound effect is played during one of these stutters it doesn't come out until it's done, but I'm not sure.

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Cart #hojujerehu-1 | 2020-08-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Flag Away Dash, a game for the one hour game jam. Theme was "flags".


Cart #maxbize_superbreakout-3 | 2020-08-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Play as an angry robot head stuck on a rail and hellbent on breaking every last brick! Bust your way through 22 unique levels, interact with 16 different types of bricks, and hop into the editor to make and share your creations!



  • Left & Right Arrows - Move
  • C | Z - Boost
  • V | X - Launch glued balls
  • Up Arrow - Reset balls
  • Down Arrow - Restart level
  • Ctrl + R - Return to Main Menu (your progress will be saved)

Level Editor (mouse required)

  • Left Click - Place brick
  • Right Click - Copy brick
  • Middle Click - Erase brick
  • Left & Right Arrows | Scroll wheel - Change brick
  • C | Z - Copy level to clipboard (You can share this in a comment below!)

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Cart #tapioca-5 | 2021-08-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"tapioca 2" is block and egg puzzle action game.
Break and Jump to survive!!

〇:shot egg (long press to auto)
× or ↑:jump
← or →:move
↓:toggle language (Japanese or English)

・how to play
Don't be crushed by blocks.
Don't stack up blocks.
Red fruits make egg stronger while 4 sec.
Yellow fruits make fire rate faster while 2 sec.


Flag Demo

Cart #flagdemo-1 | 2020-08-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is a tiny cart I made to learn Tline. Then I got carried away and made a scene and everthing else...
IDK if you want to look at the code to see how stuff is done feel free! I did some poke shanagains with

 -- 0x33dc (sfx7note1..3)

 for i=0,2 do

if your curious. : p

Hope this is relaxing or what ever!


  • up Down | move flag
  • z | play randomized sounds

Was wondering if someone could help me figure out a poke that I wanted to do.

I was trying to figure out how to edit the first note in sfx7,
So when I hit a button it pokes that address and then plays a diffrent pitch depending on the value I poke.
could someone help point out what address(es) that would be?

Thanks in advance! (I'm newish to peek/poking!)


There‘s a great gamer & game developer magazine called wireframe. Issue 12 contains a PICO-8 special.

Wireframe #12 PICO-8 Special

For some reason the PDF is free which is great. It‘s very much in the style of Edge magazine. Very polished & professional. It has great pointers for getting started. Check it out pico-people.


Cart #tdisojanu-0 | 2020-07-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My entry for this years GMTK game jam, The theme was "Out of Control"

In Snaaake, i tried to keep the scope narrow since i'm prone to feature creep so i decided to put a spin on an established theme. In Snaaake each pill (apple) you collect has a chance to mutate the game state, which can eventually lead to you losing control.

I would have added music but i'm not very music-savvy, enjoy!


  • Time warp: The speed of the game can get faster or slower.
  • Double time: Every time you collect a pill, 2 more spawn.
  • Break walls: Random sections of the map will break, allowing you to wrap around.
  • Glitch: The screen becomes fuzzy and difficult to see

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Cart #jeb_aladdin-0 | 2020-07-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

So... This started as an excercise to pico8 the "A Friend Like Me" song from the Disney movie Aladdin. Then I had the poor judgement to decide to make an animation to go with the song.

This turned out to be a very time consuming task, and I wasn't happy with what it looked like, so I lost the motivation to continue. So this cart has been on my disk for a while - waiting for the motivation to return - until I finally decided to release it in its current unfinished state.

I hope it still brings some joy to someone, and that it doesn't anger the Mouse.


21 squid!

Cart #squid21-0 | 2020-07-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

a lovely squid game with 3d, and too many yellows,blues,oranges and greens.


Cart #kyrosmansion-0 | 2020-07-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Kyros Mansion

This is a game I created with my son for fun and this is our first game in pico-8.

Please have fun playing!

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So the Analogue Pocket is available for pre-order in a few days, if you haven't heard of it yet you should definitely check it out.

How awesome would it be if this thing could run Pico-8 cartridges!? Is that even possible? What kind of hardware requirements does pico-8 have?


Cart #selena_2-0 | 2020-08-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

BaldJared's ancient mod from 2016, recreated for everyone to play! Hope People Enjoy!
This mod does require some understanding of speed tech, so play at your own risk!


Hey all!

I recently released my game Gravitaz (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=38597), and thought that it might be useful to put the particlesystem (and a modified version of the stars effect) in its own post so people can use it if they want.

It's pretty lightweight (coming in at just 92 tokens! I'm sure it can be lightened a bit more too), and can be used in a number of ways.

It is decently limited, but if you need super simple particle effects with a number of pixels, this should do the trick.

Let me know if you have any questions, the files are also available on Github (plus a slightly more powerful Love2d Version if that's what you're into) at https://github.com/KeplerElectronics/keplers_light_particlesystem

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