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This is a bug in 0.2.1b, and possibly earlier, causing crashes in BBS carts like Pieces of Cake. After the new add() functionality was added, complex or token-optimized code causes a hard crash with this error:

Note that having a space between these statements, as in "add(...) end", does not solve the parsing problem, but putting a newline between them sometimes does (no idea why). It's also possible that nested parentheses inside the add() call are messing up a regex parser, since this also consistently solves the crash:

local f=fn(sub(str,i,i),i)

As per @Felice, the bug is from an implied nil return from a function, which is apparently different than an explicit "return nil". add(t,nil) works, as should this (since it gets converted to a true nil through assignment):

function fn() end
local f=fn()

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Cart #tutorialsaregreat-0 | 2020-07-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Hi! I was working on a game and I was trying to make it so that for ex:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ... would be translated into
01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 ...

and I was wondering how do you "apend" stuff to a string? I might be doing a doofus play but I forget some stuff about PICO-8 since I took a break from it : o

here's the code snipit I'm trying to figure out so far


 if (#wavestring==1) add(wavestring,"0")

(was wondering if you can use add() to add to a string maybe..


Cart #assembly_3-0 | 2020-07-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #assembly_1-0 | 2020-07-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #rndesc_1-0 | 2020-07-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is Random Escape!

You were wrongfully accused and were taken to prison. Shoot your way out to escape! This is the only way!

One of the guards has the key to activate the elevator to the next floor.

The guards will try to stop you at all cost

Meet your enemies:


shotgun sergeant

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Cart #yuwekogiwu-0 | 2020-07-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Opening Note.

For some background, this cart was one of my very first experiences with pico-8 and coding. I started this shortly after @TRASEVOL_DOG 's Tiny Tv Jam. And by god I knew nothing! I had the idea in my mind, but not the skills to produce it. So taking Zep's Collision demo, I set out on my 3 and a half year journey. I can tell you one thing, coding without even knowing how the language works is a frustrating experience. I was, and still am in some ways, a total noob. But I brute forced my way through it, learning from reading through other people's carts, and literally spending days reading the Pico-8 API. I'm proud of what I've achieved, and even though I wanted to complete this before I moved on, I must know when to call it a day.

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This is not a bug per se but still has the potential to break PICO-8.

I was surprised to learn that the most recent version of Buildroot has completely removed the WiringPi package. It says:


> The author of wiringpi has deprecated the package, and completely removed the git tree that was serving the sources, with this message:

> Please look for alternatives for wiringPi

Apparently the author has had enough: wiringPi – deprecated…. This has obvious implications for PICO-8 as it currently depends on WiringPi. I hope @zep is aware of this.


I have installed pico 8 with picopi on a raspberry pi zero and it runs really nicely, but I can't seem to get a zero delay usb joystick interface to work with it.
It sees a playstation classic (the mini) usb ok and also a generic nes usb controller.

If all else fails, I could just use the nes pcb and pad hack to the joystick box I'm making.
It would be far neater to use the Zero Delay - or, better still - the gpio pins, but I think you need an operating system to access those?


Cart #tinygolfpuzzles-1 | 2020-07-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Jack Nicklaus, step aside! Tom Brinton invites you join him in the putting greens of the mind.


  • Arrow keys - Move ball(s)
  • [X] - Reset level
  • [Enter] - Menu


  • Get the ball(s) into all the holes in the level
  • Not all balls have to make it into a hole
  • Water and sand traps can be your enemies, or your best friends
  • Rocks can't go into holes, but they can certainly assist you


  • 32 peaceful-yet-puzzling holes
  • Thoughtful SFX and music that can be toggled on and off
  • Golf like you've never experienced it before!

Does the random value generation by srand() always produce the same pattern output as long as the same seed value is input?

Does the output pattern change due to a change in the environment?
For example, the upgrades, the amount of code, the timing of the exports, the machine or OS you're running...

So far I haven't been able to verify much and I haven't encountered the fact that the output results have changed, but I am concerned.

Thanks for your help.


Cart #picobot-4 | 2021-11-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Here is my fist Pico-8 game: Pico-Bot. I made this over the last two months in my spare time. It's a sort of horizontal Space Invaders with platforms and more intricate scoring techniques.

How to Play

  • Destroy enemies and collect the orbs they drop.
  • The quicker you collect orbs, the higher your score.
  • Collect three large orbs to activate the score multiplier.
  • Tip: you're invincible while jumping between platforms.

Here's a video showing the game being completed to show that it is possible!

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Fruititarian Snecko

Cart #fruititariansnecko-0 | 2020-07-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just a simple snake clone made in an afternoon! Eat many fruits to get big and strong. But don't trip over your own tail or fall off the edge of the world in the process!


Arrow keys - move



For my second Pico-8 game I decided to remake a favourite C64 classic called "Sensitive"

The original Sensitive was written by the awesome Oliver Kirwa, This version was written by me, Jamie Fuller, with music by Roy Widding.

Cart #sehebikesa-0 | 2020-07-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Aim of game:

Get to the exit block of the game travelling over every falling block, you can only tread on yellow blocks once, if you stay still too long or walk off of them the tile will explode. red blocks will turn to yellow after walking off of them (so you can walk on red ones twice). There are one way blocks and teleporters to deal with too!


Move the ship with cursors, teleporter pads can be activated with the "x" button.


I made this a long time ago, and I thought I'd finally share it. It is the song Koi Boy by Jack Stauber, from the album Pop Food. (there was also a music video that came before the album)

Cart #koiboy-0 | 2020-07-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Passing an object to dir seems to cause PICO-8 to exit immediately. Nothing relevant in log.txt.

To reproduce:


I've been working on a simple golf game on and off for the past week or so and I'm having a lot of fun. I'm not entirely sure what I want to include with it, but I'd like to try and make the gameplay mechanics slightly different to the "norm". I've got a few ideas written down and I'm keen to lock the scope of the project in place and start getting things done.

The course in the gif below is mixture of predefined variables and a procedural generation process which I'm excited to fill out a bit and I look forward to sharing more as and when!


Cart #nano_villager-0 | 2020-07-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome, Villager!

You are on this island to build a cosy little town for the peeple that want to live here.

Gather wood and stones to build and unlock other buildings. Some produce resources for you, others make your inhabitants happy. Well-fed and happy peeple produce more resources but keep them hungry or sad and they will leave. They might seem a bit lazy, but without them, buildings won't produce anything!

Build your first house and somebody will come soon, but there is no rush! Take your time and explore the island. There is no pressing matter, no harsh lose-condition, so be creative and build something beautiful.

Be good to them, and have fun.

This little game started as a quarantine project, partly inspired by my desire to create a relaxing city-builder and mostly inspired by

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Is it possible to export Voxatron games to html/js like pico-8 can? I would like to host games on itch or my own website if possible. I saw that you can embed the player from the bbs, but that's less ideal than self hosting.

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Hi everyone,

I am using Pythagoras to work out the distance between two points. Unfortunately I am looking to work out the distance between two points that are quite a long way away from each other so I am finding that dxdx + dydy is pushing me over the 32k number limit.

Is there any way I can get around this?



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