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Cart #lookingforlove-2 | 2020-05-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My first Pico-8 game! Super simple, excited to learn more about Pico. Originally I wanted to make more of a bullet hell game, but with my limited knowledge and my goal of finishing in a single night, that wasn't feasible. So, I cut back on scope and leaned more into a weirder, shorter, more experimental game.

Programming, Art, and Music by me.

Use the Arrow Keys to try and find love. X and C don't have a function in this game.


Cart #difamwet-4 | 2022-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Banana Chase is a fast-paced arcade maze game or 'collect'em up' where you are Monty, a very hungry monkey. Eat your way through 28 levels of fruit-based action as you uncover the mystery of the magical forest.

•Chain together combos of fruit to get the most points.
•Don't eat mushrooms!
•Two difficulties, Easy and Hard.
•Five different types of fruit to eat.
•Three different enemies, learn the tricks and tactics to circumvent them.
•28 levels, explore the magic forest and complete the wizard's quest.
•Complete the game in the fastest time.

X - Advance chat, hide UI
Z - Level skip

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About Me

Hi, my name is Evmank2k, and I am just learning how to make games in Pico-8. I am young (not allowed to share age) and would appreciate any help from expert game makers on how I can make my game better.

Pixel Parkour

Pixel Parkour is my attempt at making a new type of game, where the character is just one pixel, and all the hazards are identified by colors. I like these types of games, as they are quick to play, and allow me to use my imagination to interpret what the colors mean. I have discussed with my Dad, and we both agree that everyone who plays these may see the colors as different to them. For example, for me orange may mean lava, but for someone else, it may mean fire.

How to Play

Simple, you are the peach pixel. Use left and right arrows to move the character left or right. Down arrow digs (if the block can be dug). Up arrow makes your character climb.


Please leave your feedback on how I can improve the game. All comments welcome.

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by zep
Cart #orbys-0 | 2019-05-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Back to 2016! This is a demo @castpixel (also on twitter ) and I made in the weeks leading up to Tokyo Demo Fest 2016, as newly formed group: POD. Because it was made in a hurry, I felt I should tidy up the code before posting it. But that's never going to happen, so here's an even messier post-compo version with a few extra details added instead! The rotating orbycube effect can now be found in /demos though if you'd like to see roughly how it works. Also, if you're curious you can find the compo version with: load #orbys_compo



I'm trying to implement a simple Component Entity System. The amount of systems (which are actually functions) is getting bigger, and I'm putting them in a table to iterate over to avoid implementing back and forth.

However, my iterator function using all(t) does not work at all.

Here's the structure of my systems:

updatesystems = {
    system1 = function(t) [...] end,
    system2 = function(t) [...] end,
    system3 = function(t) [...] end,
    system4 = function(t) [...] end,

t is a table which includes raw data of all entities.

This is my current codes, which work:

function _update()

What I would like to do

function _update()
    for system in all(updatesystems) do

And I have no idea why it doesn't work. None of the systems updates.

Any suggestion?


Cart #wekihiyoze-0 | 2020-05-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Ok,I understand, you are tired of this game. I hace published, once,twice, (three billion times)

I uderstand all that, but this is a demo of a much bigger game I am working on, The Final Monk.
This game includes only a few of the features of all the features the final one will have.
Please give it a try, and if you win post it.
The bow will only kill animals when they are in attack position
This one includes healh, but spikes will just kill you. The chrono up there tells you how much time you have before you run out of water

Hope you enjoy



Help can someone tell me why when y write my username with an @ it doesn´t convert it into a username?


I often find myself declaring a lot of arrays/object literals that are essentially just data. No computation involved.
For example:

-- background types

It's a useful way to create flexible, extendable systems.

Unfortunately it quickly chews through the token count.

So I was wondering what people's views were of changing the token counting rules around such object literals? - say 1 token per object literal.

They would have to be restricted in order to qualify for a reduced token count, i.e. data only, no computation, functions etc, similar to how JSON is a restricted subset of JavaScript.
The compiler could either detect this automatically, or possibly a new "data only literal" syntax could be introduced.

I feel like this probably aligns with the PICO-8 principals, as it's arguably data rather than code, and you still have the compressed size limit. It seems like a much cleaner solution than the string shredding/JSON parsing workarounds that are currently used.

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Cart #virusbuster-2 | 2020-05-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A quick post-bubble bobble version of a Dr Mario (or DS Germ Busters) style puzzler.


Arrow keys to move left and right
[O] and [X] to rotate (Z and X on the keyboard)


Hi! new here. This is my third demo in PICO, a classic demoscene effect. I tried giving some shading using tline(), but failed.. I need more practice! :P

Cart #demotwister-0 | 2020-05-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #nituzapitu-1 | 2020-05-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here's a little experiment for a technique to render water with some very rough-and-ready sprites.

It works by simply using memcpy to copy rows of pixels from the screen memory straight to another location in the screen memory, using some simple offset calculations.

After that a rectfill is used with the newly (ish) revealed bitmask poke to cheaply tint the water area.

There's a few rough edges and caveats - namely the water area (defined as a rectangle needs to ideally be aligned on a 2-pixel boundary, since it's copying whole bytes of screen data at a time and a single byte contains 2 pixles.

Secondly using a bitmask is cheap but crude in that you don't have complete control over the result since it depends on what is being reflected. However for water I think it ends up fine.

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I wondered why I was not logged in when opening some links, but I was logged in in other tabs.
Found out that the website answers to both lexaloffle.com and www.lexaloffe.com, but logged in status is not shared.

Possible solutions:

  • change cookies to be valid for both variants
  • pick one variant as canonical and redirect transparently



Cart #obeylings-2 | 2020-05-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The enlisted have arrived! Properly trained! Will follow commands just as you tell them. No stupid ideas! The war will be won by following chain of command! Let's conquer that hill...

This is my third Pico-8 game, loosely inspired by Lemmings. You are in charge of guiding a squad of marines to capture and bring back the enemy flag. They will only do what you tell them, for better or worse...

This is a mouse cursor game, but you can also use the virtual mouse cursor with the keyboard controls. It is possible to finish all missions without losing a single marine, but that will require some precision maneuvering and luck.

My previous Pico-8 games are

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How does one create a door, then link 2 instances of it across rooms? I've read the docs but an overview of what makes a door is not enough. Step-by-step, up to date instructions would really help. <nudge> @zep. :)


I was wondering if the images in the carts of for example pico-tennis can be changed for them being cooler or if that something you have to draw on the sprite editor

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Cart #music_visualizer-1 | 2020-05-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

i tried using the tracker for the first time. the song is Porky's Porkies from Mother 3.
the sound organization is a bit of a mess so good luck trying to learn anything from it
I also added a music visualizer to keep it from being boring. The visualizer should work for any arbitrary song you shove into it.
edit: i made it prettier :3



This is a 3x3 Monospaced Font [1] that I created. It's very useful for our limited world 'cause we can write a double-line each sprite. Feel free to use or improve it.

[1] https://dribbble.com/shots/5377756-3x3-Monospaced-Font

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Cart #meh-2 | 2020-05-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I spent some time on PICO-8 today making...this.
*shrugs shoulders

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Cart #googroker_strangebirdisland-0 | 2020-05-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

An arcade dogfight-em-up made over the course of a month for Cartridge Jam #3 ( https://itch.io/jam/cartridge-jam-3 ). Survive against ceaseless waves of laser-shooting digital birds, absorbing their JUICE to increase your own firepower.


Hey folks,

Nice to meet you, this is my first project on Pico-8, based on the tutorial from @MBoffin

Hope you like it, I am thrilled to continue learning everything about Pico-8!

Cart #flappy_bat_tutorial-0 | 2020-05-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #jumpaway-0 | 2020-05-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's a quick little game, using Instant3D by @Mot


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