Jman [Lexaloffle Blog Feed] Sid Hoffman or Sid Frenchman? <p> <table><tr><td> <a href="/bbs/?pid=72387#p"> <img src="/bbs/thumbs/pico8_sidhoffmanorsidfrenchman-0.png" style="height:256px"></a> </td><td width=10></td><td valign=top> <a href="/bbs/?pid=72387#p"> Sid Hoffman or Sid Frenchman?</a><br><br> by <a href="/bbs/?uid=2135"> Jman</a> <br><br><br> <a href="/bbs/?pid=72387#p"> [Click to Play]</a> </td></tr></table> </p> <p>Just started getting into Pico-8. For a starter project, I thought it would be fun to remake the &quot;Sid&quot; game from the Strong Bad email &quot;date&quot;.</p> <p>The code is ugly, the game-play isn't quite e-sports ready, but its the first game I ever finished so &macr;_(ツ)_/&macr;</p> Wed, 29 Jan 2020 04:25:44 UTC