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Hi PICO-8 community!

A couple of years ago, I found a puzzle game called "Star" in Rockbox - an open source media player firmware. It was a simple puzzle game in a 16x9 grid and re-creating it has been on my TODO list for about as many years as it seemed like it should be easy, plus I really enjoyed it (it's a bit like Sokoban).

Some reading revealed that it was already a remake, the manual said the following:
> It is actually a rewrite of Star, a game written by CDK designed for the hp48 calculator

Looking for the original got me to a Java (in the browser) version of the game, which didn't work because it's 2020 and... well, Java in the browser. A 5 minute attempt to get this running outside of the browser on MacOS was fruitless and I abandoned it because meh.

I've decided that I'd like to give this a go in PICO-8, which I bought for this purpose. I'm okay (not my day job) with writing code, but have zero experience with game development. The source for Star on Rockbox is here so I have the levels and the mechanics are very simple. This thread is intended as a dev-log/journal as I figure this out.

Feel free to comment, this is on a public forum for a reason. All I ask is that you be kind - when I say I'm a noob, I'm not a "oh I just threw together game of life on 2 shift registers" noob, I'm a real, actual noob who is here to have fun and learn things and do stuff the wrong way and then hopefully the right way :)
To be clear, I'm not asking for help (yet) or for someone to do this for me - I'm here to learn and have fun like all the other cool kids.

Let's see what we can make of this!

First off, the rules/mechanics:

  • Every level is a 16x9 bounded grid, nothing can move outside of this. Movement does not wrap
  • Levels consist of 2 actors (a circle and a square), multiple stars (number varies per level), empty space which you can move through and blocks which restrict you
  • You can control either the circle or the square, toggling between them as necessary
  • Actors can move up, down, left or right. When moving in a direction, the actor will continue to move in that direction until a block or the edge of the level is encountered (this is the crucial mechanic of the game)
  • Movement is in increments of full grid squares
  • The goal of the game is to collect all of the stars. They are collected by simply passing through the grid containing the star
  • There is no limit on time or moves, the puzzle is to figure out how to move your actors in order to fetch all the stars

Here's a mock-up of one of the levels to give you an idea. Still figuring out the art of sprite design, clearly. Levels don't necessarily have boxes forming a perimeter, but some of them do:

Something I've already figured out is that I'm going to have to draw my levels dynamically. The map is not big enough for 20 levels of 16x9, as far as I can tell.


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