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We definitely need an option to download carts in splore. I bought this for my steam deck expecting the standalone app to be, well, standalone. I have to reboot my whole system to access the web browser and file explorer needed to download and add carts. It's very frustrating that such an essential feature was ignored. I doubt there's any chance for a refund, so I guess I'll just have to beg for features that should have been included from the start. Maybe if I'm lucky it'll be added in less than a year. It's only been 9 so far..

Maybe this is overly salty, but it's very frustrating that an implied feature isn't actually present when it's the whole reason I paid for the standalone app in the first place. Buyer beware I guess...

P#147984 2024-05-06 10:45

You can do this already
If you:

  1. load the cart you want to download
  2. CD ./
  3. SAVE filename.p8

This method doesn't work well on multi-cart games but it should work fine for single-carts

P#147990 2024-05-06 12:03

Might have been a good idea to read the manual before purchasing on an assumption

P#147995 2024-05-06 13:05

Splore should do this automatically. When you run a cart it saves a copy to your machine. This copy is then launched every time you select it from a Splore menu instead of re-downloading the cart each time.

I don't know much about the Steam Deck, but if you could try something:
-Connect to the Internet
-Run a cart you've never run before.
-Disconnect from the internet
-Restart Pico8
-Run the same cart again

I'm curious if the Steam Deck's OS is different.

P#147998 2024-05-06 13:24
P#148033 2024-05-06 23:53

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